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如何在每次en为0是都先让count复位为0?? library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity samp_cnt is Port ( samp_clk : in std_logic; std_clk: in std_logic; en: in std_logic; d_in : in std_logic; samp_out:??inout std_logic; cnt: inout integer range 0 to 3; count: out integer range 0 to 4; cnt_out : out integer range 0 to 4); end samp_cnt; architecture Behavioral of samp_cnt is?? signal samp_out: std_logic; signal cnt: integer range 0 to 3; signal count: integer range 0 to 4; begin samp_out<=samp_clk and d_in; sample:?? process(en,samp_clk) variable cnt: integer range 0 to 5;?? begin if samp_out='1' then if en='0' then if (samp_clk'event and samp_clk='1' ) then if cnt<=4 then cnt<=cnt+1; else cnt<=0; end if; end if; ???????? end if;?? end process sample; coun: process(en,samp_out) begin if (std_clk'event and std_clk='1') then if en='0' then count<=0; if (samp_out'event and samp_out='1') then if count<4 then count<=count+1; else count<=0; end if; end if; end if; end process coun; cnt_out<=count;?? end Behavioral;