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帮小弟看看这个vhdl程序吧,不知错在哪里了? 想做一个计数器,计数从0到111时,cout输出为1,当达到111时,cout变为0,继续计数。当计数到499时,清零,进入下一个周期。程序如下: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity shiyong is port (clk,clr,en: in std_logic; s1: out std_logic); end shiyong; architecture shiyongarch of shiyong is signal count: std_logic_vector (8 downto 0); signal cout: std_logic; Begin process(clk,clr) begin if(clr='1') then count<="000000000";------clr=1,清零 elsif(en='1' and falling_edge(clk)) then if (count="0001101111") then cout<=NOT cout;------如果en=1,当count=111时,cout电平翻转 elsif(count="111110011") then count<="000000000";------当count=499,count清零,cout翻转 else count<=count+'1';------如果count既不是111又不是499,则加一计数 end if; else cout<='1'; end if; end process; 可是最后编译的时候出现一个错我,错误提示为:Unsupported feature error:signal parameter in a subprogram is not supported 请问我的程序到底错在哪里,怎么改,谢谢先!!