Passive device / component 无源器件/元件 An electrical component that contributes no power gain (amplification) to a circuit or system. It has no control action and does not require any input other than a signal to perform its function. Examples of passive devices are resistors, capacitors, diodes, batteries. 不对电路或系统产生任何power gain (放大)的电子元件。它的特性(函数)不需要任何其它输入信号就能表现出来,也没有控制作用。比如电阻就是一种无源器件。
Active device / component 有源器件/元件 An electrical component that has gain, or controls another circuit. Transistors and integrated circuits are examples of active devices. 一种提供增益或能控制别的电路的器件。如晶体管、集成电路就是有源器件
应该说定义很清晰了,关键两条:一是是否产生增益,一是是否有控制作用。但依此而言,diode就应是active component啦。糊涂。 |