- 139803
- 性别
- 男
以下是中断函数 /************************************************************/ #pragma CODE_SEG NON_BANKED
interrupt void I2C_ISR(void){ I2C_status|=(1<<1);//clear interrupt flag switch(I2C_control&0x30|re_send_sladd) { case master_write:{ //master,write if(byte_write_conter==8){//last byte has been transmitted I2C_stop; new_inner_page=1;//tell the ISR to access a uper new page nextime byte_write_conter=0; if(i2c_page_counter==32){//all pages have been written to i2c_page_counter=0; eep_inner_page_ptr=eep_inner_page_add;//page pointer recover i2c_step=2;//tell the loop to start read thread }else{ i2c_page_counter++; i2c_step=0;//tell the loop to start a new 8 bytes write thread } } else{//it is not the last byte if(I2C_status&0x01==1){ //no acknowledge received I2C_stop;//generate STOP signal //or generate RE-START signal } else{ //received acknowledge if(new_inner_page==1){//a new page have to be written new_inner_page=0; I2C_data=*eep_inner_page_ptr++; } else{//write to the same page byte_write_conter++; I2C_data=*str_ptr++; } } }//end of "it is not the last byte" }break; case master_read:{ //master,receive if((byte_write_conter==8)&&(i2c_page_counter==32)) {//last byte to be read I2C_stop;//generate STOP signal } else if((byte_write_conter==7)&&(i2c_page_counter==32)){//the second last byte to be read I2C_control|=(1<<3);//set TXAK=1,not acknowledge the slave } if(byte_write_conter!=8) { byte_write_conter++; } else{ byte_write_conter=0; if(i2c_page_counter==32){ //the received byte reach to the last i2c_page_counter=0; receive_str_ptr=i2c_receive_str;//the receive pointer recover i2c_step=0;//restart to loop case 0,master transmiter }else{ i2c_page_counter++; } } *receive_str_ptr++=I2C_data; }break; case master_r_select_add:{//module in master receive,to select the address to receive if(I2C_status&0x01==1){ //no acknowledge received I2C_stop;//generate STOP signal } else{ switch(byte_write_conter){ case 0:{ byte_write_conter=1; I2C_data=*eep_inner_page_ptr;//now send the E2PROM inner address to read out }break; default:{ byte_write_conter=0; re_send_sladd=2;//the two lines of code make the loop enter precedure of i2c_step=2; //"generate re-START,send slave address;master read" } }//end of switch } }break; default:{//error condition,wait here for(;;); } }//end of switch }//end of I2C_ISR |
- 139803
- 性别
- 男