executing ASM_layout.hwl !OPEN source 0 0 60 42 NO CONNECTION !Source < attributes MARKS off !OPEN assembly 60 0 40 30 !Assembly < attributes ADR on,CODE off,ABSADR on,SYMB off,TOPPC 0xF800 !OPEN procedure 60 60 40 17 !Procedure < attributes VALUES on,TYPES off !OPEN register 60 30 40 30 !Register < attributes FORMAT AUTO,COMPLEMENT None !OPEN memory 60 77 40 23 !Memory < attributes FORMAT hex,COMPLEMENT None,WORD 1,ASC on,ADR on,ADDRESS 0x80 !OPEN data 0 42 60 28 !Data < attributes SCOPE global,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16 !OPEN command 0 70 60 30 !Command < attributes CACHESIZE 1000 !bckcolor 50331647 !font 'Courier New' 9 BLACK !AUTOSIZE on !ACTIVATE Assembly Memory Register Command Data Source Procedure done ASM_layout.hwl Loading Target ... Windows NT detected. USB HCS08/HCS12 MULTILINK detected - Flash Version 5.55 Frequency change to ~4016640hz. USB HCS08/HCS12 MULTILINK detected - Flash Version 5.55 Frequency change to ~4604288hz. Device is 9S08QG8. Mode is In-Circuit Debug. IO registers loaded for MC9S08QG8 from C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for HC08 V5.1\prog\REG\MCU1019.REG executing .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_startup.cmd !// At startup the commands written below will be executed Target Ready done .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_startup.cmd Startup command file correctly executed. executing .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_preload.cmd !// Before load the commands written below will be executed done .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_preload.cmd Preload command file correctly executed. Loading 1825 bytes. executing F:\Code_QG8\Project code\MLC_XOSC\bin\Project.xpr !Data < ADDXPR ONLY_ADD_IF_NEW "main.dbg::S_Que[5]" MCU Device Selection has been changed. !Data < ADDXPR ONLY_ADD_IF_NEW "main.dbg::BState" !Data < ADDXPR ONLY_ADD_IF_NEW "main.dbg: 3" done F:\Code_QG8\Project code\MLC_XOSC\bin\Project.xpr executing .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_postload.cmd !// After load the commands written below will be executed done .\cmd\BDM_P&E_Multilink_CyclonePro_postload.cmd Postload command file correctly executed. in> ----这是怎么回事?!Data < ADDXPR ONLY_ADD_IF_NEW "main.dbg::S_Que[5]" MCU Device Selection has been changed. !Data < ADDXPR ONLY_ADD_IF_NEW "main.dbg::BState" !Data < ADDXPR ONLY_ADD_IF_NEW "main.dbg: 3" 什么意思? |