Marc by Marc Jacobs Bag New digs Grandview High School addition ready for studen

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Marc by Marc Jacobs Bag New digs Grandview High School addition ready for studen
× Related Photos « » Kevin Carbery');"> Andrew Jansen Photo Tandi Steffens, a science teacher at Grandview High School, sets up her new classroom before the start of the new school year. Kevin Carbery');">Enlarge Photo The new building addition to Grandview High School shouldimmediately make for a better learning environment, but may beappreciated even more when the weather turns cold and nasty.That is the opinion of Principal Jaret Tomlinson, who noted thatstudents in science and art courses no longer will need to trek toother Grandview R-2 School District buildings for their classes,Marc by Marc Jacobs Bag.The 2008-2009 school year in the district began Aug. 14."We had a standing classroom for science, but our biologyclasses were in a different building across campus," Tomlinsonsaid. "Kids would have to go over there in the cold months, nomatter what the weather was like. Our art classes had been in themiddle school building."The approximately 10,000-square-foot addition includes threescience rooms, an art room and a storage room. It has come aboutthrough the passage of a $1.5 million bond issue in April 2007.When students returned to school, those taking advanced scienceand art classes were in for a treat, said Tomlinson,Guess Tops."I'm really excited about it," he said. "It turned out betterthan what was in my head. It's got terrific space. These are thebiggest rooms in the school now. The rooms have all the bells andwhistles."He went over the features of the science classrooms."There are fume hoods for working with chemicals. Each labstation has its own water and gas for experiments. Each stationalso has its own storage space."The rooms will have Smart Boards and projectors,Cheap Fendi Bags. It's like aninteractive board where you can write with your finger or highlightsomething. It just incorporates technology into the classroom. Wehave Smart Boards in the whole building."Art students also should be impressed with their new workspace."In our new art room, we have drying racks and storage bins,"Tomlinson said. "There is a kiln area."Grandview High has an enrollment of about 330 this school year,Guess Jewelry,up from 295 in 2007-2008, Tomlinson said.Staff members such as Tandi Steffens, a science teacher,expressed their gratitude to be returning to their jobs in a muchmore impressive work area,"I'm excited," Steffens said. "We have awesome labs and I'mlooking for a great year. It's like Christmas."A few final touches were still needed to finish the project asthe school year started. Some of the work will come fromstudents."We're going to use our shop class," Tomlinson said, "Some ofour kids will build cases in our storage room and some will work onan art display case."Tomlinson appreciates the work of Grandview administrators andschool board members in helping make the new building additionpossible."I want to thank the superintendent (Dr. Michael Brown) and theschool board for their commitment to ensuring the best educationpossible for the students in our community," he said.
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