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FIFO — Result Register FIFO Mode
If this bit is zero (non-FIFO mode), the A/D conversion results map into the result registers based on the conversion sequence; the result of the first conversion appears in the first result register, the second result in the second result register, and so on.

If this bit is one (FIFO mode) the conversion counter is not reset at the beginning or end of a conversion sequence; conversion results are placed in consecutive result registers between sequences. The result register counter wraps around when it reaches the end of the result register file. The conversion counter value in ATDSTAT0 can be used to determine where in the result register file, the current conversion result will be placed.

1 = Conversion results are placed in consecutive result registers (wrap around at end).
0 = Conversion results are placed in the corresponding result register up to the selected sequence

SCF — Sequence Complete Flag
This flag is set upon completion of a conversion sequence. If conversion sequences are continuously performed (SCAN=1), the flag is set after each one is completed. This flag is cleared when one of the
following occurs:
A) Write “1” to SCF
B) Write to ATDCTL5 (a new conversion sequence is started)
C) If AFFC=1 and read of a result register

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-15 17:48:35编辑过]

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-15 17:51:11编辑过]

直接读ATDDRxH, ATDDRxL 就可以了.


还要視乎A/D转换的结果初始化放在的ATDDRxH, ATDDRxL 寄存器o