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我在result.dat文件中写入1001011010010110,然后定义一个变量input为std_logic_vector(15 downto 0),在作textio时,要将文件中的这串数字传给我的变量,可modelsim总是报error,No feasible entries for subprogram read,这是为什么阿? file input1:text open read_mode is "result.dat"; variable dline:line; variable inputer: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); BEGIN case presentstate is when "001" => readline(input1,dline); read(dline,inputer); input <=inputer; when others => input<="0000000000000000";
If you have Modelsim, it comes with the source code of all the ieee, std libraries.       
        For example, if you installed Modelsim on your C: drive, the source code can be found at:               
        If you don't have modelsim, I can email the package to you.       
        The libraries are very well written.??I personally learned a lot from reading the source code of the textio package.