求助HP3070 Unix系统问题[求助]急!!!

- 124385
- 性别
- 男

求助HP3070 Unix系统问题[求助]急!!!
Attempting to boot Alternate Path...
Attempted boot failed,continuing search
Attempted to boot first valid device on builtin FWSCSI ...
Attempted boot failed,continuing search
Attempted to boot first valid device on GSC1 ...
Module not found,continuing search
Attempted to boot first valid device on PCI1 ...
Attempted boot failed,continuing search
Attempted to boot first valid device on GSC2 ...
Module not found,continuing search
Attempted to boot first valid device on PCI2 ...
Attempted boot failed,continuing search
Attempted to boot device 6 on builtin SESCSI ...
Attempted boot failed,continuing search
Attempting to boot first valid server on LAN...
Search terminated.
Boot terminated.
--------Main Menu--------
Command Description
------- ------------
BOot [PRI|ALT|] Boot from specified path
PRth [PRI|ALT|CON|KEY] [path>] Display or modify a path
SERrch [DIsplay|IPL] [] Search for boot devices
COnfiguration [] Access Configuration menu/commands
INformation [] Access Information menu/commands
SERvice [] Access Service menu/commands
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp [ |

- 86805
- 性别
- 男
我从来没见过这样的问题,会不会有哪些线松掉了?如果和AGILENT签了维修合同,最好不过啦,哈哈 |
- 150756
- 性别
- 男
检查你的HUB,应该是没有连接或者没有HUB. 如果正常,重装系统. |
- 124673
- 性别
- 男