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谁能帮帮我? 开发z1800 测试程序?

国内,ZTE开发了Teradyne 所有的硬件,(VP)除外,向ZTE请教肯定行

谁能帮帮我? 开发z1800 测试程序?

I have some experiences on the develop hp3070 test program , from translate cad to the system of hp3070 , but now I must be develop Tearadyne z1800 in one month , who can help me ? 小妹不甚感激!
especially for the output from fabmaster , and 如何在系统中跑出测试程序?[em08]
OK, you can send me mail , maybe I can help you,Now I am duty all the Z18xx program development include VP,DFP , GFI . z18xx program generate as follow :
          Select Build from the Pgen pulldown menu. The program builds the component database files IPL.DBF, IPL_NOD.NDX, and IPL_TOK.NDX.
           Select Generate. The Program Generator window appears and displays messages as it generates the program ICT.TST and its test files. When generation is complete, you are in the Main menu.

my mail : andy.tu@mic.com.tw