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Refer to the ARM System Calls document and read about the following system calls:fficeffice" />

SWI_Open, SWI_Flen, SWI_Read, SWI_Write. An example is given to show how you can write a short file on disk. Write a program to open the file turing.txt, and print its content on the screen. (More system calls information on http://www.arm.com, look for ADS 1.2 Debugger Target Guide) Two examples of system calls are attached at the end of this assignment specification. (One is outputting string to the debugger console, one is writing string to a file on the host debugger (PC).


AREA Hello_Word, CODE, READONLY ; name this block of code


; function ID codes to be put into r0

SWI_WriteC   EQU 0x03             ;output character address in r1

SWI_Exit       EQU 0x18             ;finish program

SWI_FUN             EQU       0x123456


              ENTRY   ;code entry point


              SUB r1,r1,#1 

              LDR  r0, = SWI_WriteC

ffice:smarttags" />LOOP     ADD r1,r1,#1

              LDRB r2, [r1]

              CMP r2, #0                 

              SWINE SWI_FUN             

              BNE LOOP                 

              LDR  r0, = SWI_Exit

           SWI  SWI_FUN      

TEXT DCB "Hello World!", &0a, &0d, 0 ; string + CR + LF + null


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