我用的是quartus5.0 nios5.0在生成NIOS时遇到了如下的提示:
!cpu egacy SDK is not recommended for new designs.
!cpu:the first generation Nios processor defaulted its vector table address to 256 bytes below the top of the associated memory module .
To match this behavior for legacy SDK support,you must manually change Exception Address offset on the Nios more "cpu"Settings tab.
!cpu:defaulting Reset address,Exception Address to onchip_memory_0(legacy on-chip memory)
!cpu:defaulting Host communication to uart_0(UART(RS-232 serial port));program memory,data memory to onchip_memory_0(legacy on-chip memory)
!cpu:the reset address points to volatile memory.Execution of undefined code may occur upon reset.
请高手指点,不甚感激! |