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推挽(Push-Pull) vs 开漏(Open-Drain)

推挽(Push-Pull) vs 开漏(Open-Drain)

GPIO的功能,简单说就是可以根据自己的需要去配置为输入或输出。(General Purpose Input Output,简称为GPIO或总线扩展器,利用工业标准I2C、SMBus™或SPI™接口简化了I/O口的扩展。当微控制器或芯片组没有足够的I/O端口,或当系统需要采用远端串行通信或控制时,GPIO产品能够提供额外的控制和监视功能。)但是在配置GPIO管脚的时候,常会见到两种模式:开漏(open-drain,漏极开路)和推挽(push-pull)。对此两种模式,有何区别和联系,下面整理了一些资料,来详细解释一下:



输出的器件是指输出脚内部集成有一对互补的MOSFET,当Q1导通、Q2截止时输出高电平;而当Q1截止导通、Q2导通时输出低电平。Push-Pull输出,实际上内部是用了两个晶体管(transistor),此处分别称为Top-Transistor和Bottom-Transistor。通过开关对应的晶体管,输出对应的电平。Top-Transistor打开(Bottom-Transistor关闭),输出为高电平;Bottom-Transistor打开(Top-Transistor关闭),输出低电平。Push-pull即能够漏电流(sink current),又可以集电流(source current)。其也许有,也许没有另外一个状态:高阻抗(high impedance)状态。除非Push-pull需要支持额外的高阻抗状态,否则不需要额外的上拉电阻。






开漏电路就是指以MOSFET的漏极为输出的电路。指内部输出和地之间有个N沟道的MOSFET(Q1),这些器件可以用于电平转换的应用。输出电压由Vcc决定。Vcc可以大于输入高电平电压VCC (call UP-Translate)也可以低于输入高电平电压VCC(call Down-Translate)
Open-Drain输出,则是比push-pull少了个top transistor,只有那个bottom transistor。(就像push-pull中的那样)当bottom transistor关闭,则输出为高电平。此处没法输出高电平,想要输出高电平,必须外部再接一个上拉电阻(pull-up resistor)。Open-drain只能够漏电流(sink current),如果想要集电流(source current),则需要加一个上拉电阻。

(3)利用 外部电路的驱动能力,减少IC内部的驱动。当IC内部MOSFET导通时,驱动电流是从外部的VCC流经R pull-up ,MOSFET到GND。IC内部仅需很小的栅极驱动电流。
(4)可以利用改变上拉电源的电压,改变传输电平,如图, IC的逻辑电平由电源Vcc1决定,而输出高电平则由Vcc2决定。这样我们就可以用低电平逻辑控制输出高电平逻辑了。

缺点:开漏Pin不连接外部的上拉电阻,则只能输出低电平。当输出电平为低时,N沟道三极管是导通的,这样在Vcc'和GND之间有一个持续的电流流过上拉电阻R和三极管Q1。这会影响整个系统的功耗。采用较大值的上拉电阻可以减小电流。但是,但是大的阻值会使输出信号的上升时间变慢。即上拉电阻R pull-up的阻值 决定了逻辑电平转换的沿的速度。阻值越大,速度越低功耗越小。反之亦然。


常见的GPIO的模式可以配置为open-drain或push-pull,具体实现上,常为通过配置对应的寄存器的某些位来配置为open-drain或是push-pull。当我们通过CPU去设置那些GPIO的配置寄存器的某位的时候,其GPIO硬件IC内部的实现是,会去打开或关闭对应的top transistor。相应地,如果设置为了Open-D模式的话,是需要上拉电阻才能实现,也能够输出高电平的。因此,如果硬件内部(internal)本身包含了对应的上拉电阻的话,此时会去关闭或打开对应的上拉电阻。如果GPIO硬件IC内部没有对应的上拉电阻的话,那么你的硬件电路中,必须自己提供对应的外部(external)的上拉电阻。而push-pull输出的优势是速度快,因为线路是以两种方式驱动的。而带了上拉电阻的线路,即使以最快的速度去提升电压,最快也要一个常量的R×C的时间。其中R是电阻,C是寄生电容(parasitic capacitance),包括了pin脚的电容和板子的电容。但是,push-pull相对的缺点是往往需要消耗更多的电流,即功耗相对大。而open-drain所消耗的电流相对较小,由电阻R所限制,而R不能太小,因为当输出为低电平的时候,需要sink更低的transistor,这意味着更高的功耗。而open-drain的好处之一是,允许你short多个open-drain的电路,共用一个上拉电阻,此种做法称为wired-OR连接,此时可以通过拉低任何一个IO的pin脚使得输出为低电平。为了输出高电平,则所有的都输出高电平。此种逻辑,就是“线与”的功能,可以不需要额外的门电路来实现此部分逻辑。

"open drain push pull
The push-pull output actually uses two transistors. Each will be on to drive the output to the appropriate level: the top transistor will be on when the output has to be driven high and the bottom transistor will turn on when the output has to go low.

The open-drain output lacks the top transistor. When the output has to go high you simply turn off the bottom transistor, but the line is now pulled high only by the pullup resistor.

Your micro allows you to select between the two types, which means that by setting some bits in some register you actually enable/ disable the top transistor and enable/disable the pullup (if internal, otherwise you just disable the top transistor and have to use an external pullup)

The advantage of the push-pull output is the higher speed, because the line is driven both ways. With the pullup the line can only rise as fast as the RC time constant allows. The R is the pullup, the C is the parasitic capacitance, including the pin capacitance and the board capacitance.
The push-pull can typically source more current. With the open-drain the current is limited by the R and R cannot be made very small, because the lower transistor has to sink that current when the output is low; that means higher power consumption.

However, the open-drain allows you to cshort several outputs together, with a common pullup. This is called an wired-OR connection. Now you can drive the output low with any of the IO pins. To drive it high all ouputs have to be high. This is advantageous in some situations, because it eliminates the external gates that would otherwise be required."
