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“VMware: vmw_ioctl_command error Invalid argument.

“VMware: vmw_ioctl_command error Invalid argument.

$ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/amcl.rviz
[ INFO] [1497087341.331029093]: rviz version 1.11.15
[ INFO] [1497087341.331148504]: compiled against Qt version 4.8.6
[ INFO] [1497087341.331169817]: compiled against OGRE version 1.8.1 (Byatis)
[ INFO] [1497087341.728700895]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1497087341.728885306]: OpenGl version: 3 (GLSL 1.3).
VMware: vmw_ioctl_command error Invalid argument.
Aborted (core dumped)

OpenGL support can be disabled by setting the environment variable SVGA_VGPU10=0.

Gazebo starts now and runs compared to the not 3D accelerated way pretty smooth on a T460p if the resolution of the VM guest system is not too high (<< 4K).
To make the change permanent use:
$ echo "export SVGA_VGPU10=0" >> ~/.bashrc