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getter & setter

    - (void)setFrameCGRect)frame {
        [super setFrame:frame];
        [self updateSegmentsRects];
    - (void)setSectionTitlesNSArray<NSString *> *)sectionTitles {
        _sectionTitles = sectionTitles;
        // Allows you to perform layout before the drawing cycle happens. -layoutIfNeeded forces layout early
        [self setNeedsLayout];
        [self setNeedsDisplay];
    - (void)setSectionImagesNSArray<UIImage *> *)sectionImages {
        _sectionImages = sectionImages;
        [self setNeedsLayout];
        [self setNeedsDisplay];
    - (void)setSelectionIndicatorLocationHMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocation)selectionIndicatorLocation {
        _selectionIndicatorLocation = selectionIndicatorLocation;
        if (selectionIndicatorLocation == HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocationNone) {
            self.selectionIndicatorHeight = 0.0f;
    - (void)setSelectionIndicatorBoxOpacityCGFloat)selectionIndicatorBoxOpacity {
        _selectionIndicatorBoxOpacity = selectionIndicatorBoxOpacity;
        self.selectionIndicatorBoxLayer.opacity = _selectionIndicatorBoxOpacity;
    - (void)setSegmentWidthStyleHMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyle)segmentWidthStyle {
        // Force HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyleFixed when type is HMSegmentedControlTypeImages.
        if (self.type == HMSegmentedControlTypeImages) {
            _segmentWidthStyle = HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyleFixed;
        } else {
            _segmentWidthStyle = segmentWidthStyle;
    - (void)setBorderTypeHMSegmentedControlBorderType)borderType {
        _borderType = borderType;
        [self setNeedsDisplay];