[求助]lwip can't close socket??????

- 127891
- 性别
- 男
[求助]lwip can't close socket??????
在nios上跑ucos+lwip, 收发正常,但是调用close(socket)就一直阻塞在那里,请问是为何?我用nios ide提供的simple socket template也一样的情况。 |

- 115603
- 性别
- 男
The following limitations of Altera’s current implementation of the lwIP
stack are known:
■ lwIP does not implement the shutdown socket call correctly. The
shutdown call maps directly on to the close socket call
■ Multiple network interfaces features are present in the code, but have
not been tested. |

- 127891
- 性别
- 男
问题已解决,由另一段先发起关闭就可以,不能由lwip来发起 |