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现象是:用CW烧写程序,提示"unable to debug.flash security is enabled.
把8036_flash.cfg最后一行unlock_flash_on_connect 1注释取消掉后,再烧写程序,提示“failed to
write to flash"。没办法又试了一下56800e flash programmer,提示说点YES后recoverd
flash,点YES后提示”could not wrtie to program-ram.this sally means the wrong
configuretion file was used"。后来又在CW里试了UNLOCK
FLASH,也不行。这块片子是新的,以前从来没写过程序,难道是片子坏了?芯片上的MARK是“MC56F8036V1M67E XAA0737A"。

后来重新上电了一下,倒是不提示加密的事儿了,现在就是写不进去flash,提示”failed to
write to flash“

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-18 17:14:09编辑过]
