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现在想用 GPage将S12XEP100的所有分页地址统一编址,苦于找不到什么资料,望高手指点,或者有无相应的例子程序。
我这有资料  QQ:625653223

HCS 12X has a complete set of Load & Store instructions to allow the 7 bit global address register to form a 23 bit global address:

If such an instruction is executed the address is concatenated from the new 7-Bit GPAGE register + standard 16Bit address

23Bit address = {7-Bit GPAGE, 16 Bit address}
The upper byte of the 23-bit global address must be written to GPAGE in order to display the corresponding 64K region of the global memory map.

Example: Writing 7E to GPAGE will result in the Global View Window displaying the contents of addresses 7E_0000 to 7E_FFFF.

Remember that ONLY special instructions can access the Global View Window. These are called Global instructions and have the form.

GLDxx and GSTxx
LDX #0x5000 ;Set GPAGE offset to the value of 0x5000
MOVB #0x14, GPAGE ;Initialize GPAGE register with the value of 0x14
GLDAA X ;Load Accu A from the global address 0x14_5000