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entity DDS is Port( resetn : in std_logic; clk_in : in std_logic; clk_out : out std_logic; count_out : out std_logic_vector(MM downto 0) ); end DDS; architecture arch_DDS of DDS is signal count : std_logic_vector(MM downto 0); signal clk : std_logic; signal sign_del : std_logic; begin ★★ process(resetn,clk_in) variable count_v : std_logic_vector(MM downto 0); begin if resetn='0' then count_v:=(others=>'0'); sign_del<='0'; count<=(others=>'0'); elsif clk_in'event and clk_in='1' then count_v:=count_v+N; if count_v>=M then count_v:=count_v-M; count<=count_v; sign_del<='0'; else count<=count_v; sign_del<='1'; end if; end if; end process; ★★ process(resetn,clk_in) begin if resetn='0' then count_out<=(others=>'0'); elsif clk_in'event and clk_in='0' then count_out<=count; end if; end process; clk<=not clk_in; clk_out<=clk and sign_del; end arch_DDS; 这个用DDS实现,能否详细解释一下删除部分的程序段(两个★★之间的部分),我看不太懂,谢谢!
下面是用吞脉冲法一段程序: entity DDS is Port( resetn : in std_logic; clk_in : in std_logic; clk_out : out std_logic; count_out : out std_logic_vector(MM downto 0) ); end DDS; architecture arch_DDS of DDS is signal count : std_logic_vector(MM downto 0); signal clk : std_logic; signal sign_del : std_logic; begin ★★ process(resetn,clk_in) variable count_v : std_logic_vector(MM downto 0); begin if resetn='0' then count_v:=(others=>'0'); sign_del<='0'; count<=(others=>'0'); elsif clk_in'event and clk_in='1' then count_v:=count_v+N; if count_v>=M then count_v:=count_v-M; count<=count_v; sign_del<='0'; else count<=count_v; sign_del<='1'; end if; end if; end process; ★★ process(resetn,clk_in) begin if resetn='0' then count_out<=(others=>'0'); elsif clk_in'event and clk_in='0' then count_out<=count; end if; end process; clk<=not clk_in; clk_out<=clk and sign_del; end arch_DDS; 这个用DDS实现,能否详细解释一下删除部分的程序段(两个★★之间的部分),我看不太懂,谢谢![em27][em14]

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-8 18:50:49编辑过]
