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-------------交通控制器------------- -------zheer------------------------ ----------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity jtd is generic(n:integer:=1); port(clk_n:in std_logic; s:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); th1,tl1,th2,tl2ut std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); gry1,gry2ut std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); end jtd; architecture one of jtd is type state1 is(green,yellow,red); type state2 is(red,green,yellow); signal clk:std_logic; signal grya,gryb:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin p1:process(clk_n) variable cnt:integer range 0 to n; begin if(clk_n'event and clk_n='1')then if(cntif(reset='0')then th:="0010"; tl:="0100"; reset:='1'; gry1<="010"; else if not(th="0000" and tl="0001")then if(tl="0000")then tl:="1001"; th:=th-1; else tl:=tl-1; end if; else th:="0000"; tl:="0000"; reset:='0'; s1:=red; end if; end if; when red=>if(reset='0')then th:="0001"; tl:="1001"; gry1<="100"; else if not(th="0000" and tl="0001")then if(tl="0000")then tl:="1001"; th:=th-1; else tl:=tl-1; end if; else th:="0000"; tl:="0000"; reset:='0'; s1:=yellow; end if; end if; when yellow=>if(reset='0')then th:="0000"; tl:="0100"; reset:='1'; gry1<="001"; else if not(th="0000" and tl="0001")then if(tl="0000")then tl:="1001"; th:=th-1; else tl:=tl-1; end if; else th:="0000"; tl:="0000"; reset:='0'; s1:=green; end if; end if; end case; else if(s="10")then if not(tl="0000")then tl:=tl-1; gry1<="001"; th:="0000"; else gry1<="010"; th:="0000"; end if; end if; end if; end if; th1<=th; tl1<=tl; end process; p3:process(clk) variable reset:std_logic; variable th,tl:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable s2:state2; begin if(clk'event and clk='1')then if(s="00" or s="11")then case s2 is when green=>if(reset='0')then th:="0010"; tl:="0100"; reset:='1'; gry2<="010"; else if not(th="0000" and tl="0001")then if(tl="0000")then tl:="1001"; th:=th-1; else tl:=tl-1; end if; else th:="0000"; tl:="0000"; reset:='0'; s2:=red; end if; end if; when red=>if(reset='0')then th:="0001"; tl:="1001"; reset:='1'; gry2<="100"; else if not(th="0000" and tl="0001")then if(tl="0000")then tl:="1001"; th:=th-1; else tl:=tl-1; end if; else th:="0000"; tl:="0000"; reset:='0'; s2:=yellow; end if; end if; when yellow=>if(reset='0')then th:="0000"; tl:="0100"; reset:='1'; gry2<="001"; else if not(th="0000" and tl="0001")then if(tl="0000")then tl:="1001"; th:=th-1; else tl:=tl-1; end if; else th:="0000"; tl:="0000"; reset:='0'; s2:=green; end if; end if; end case; else if not(tl="0000")then tl:=tl-1; gry2<="001"; th:="0000"; else gry2<="100"; th:="0000"; end if; end if; end if; th2<=th; tl2<=tl; end process; end one;