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Used Golf Balls and Ping K15

Used Golf Balls and Ping K15

Used Golf Balls and Ping K15

If you want to impress your golf buddies, but keep shooting the same score in the 100's after months into the golf season, you have to make a change. How? Practice!Let's face it, the golf season in most areas of Canada and the U.S. runs from mid-April to late October.
To make the best of the golf season, hone your game in your backyard by practicing with used golf balls. You can lower your golf score. If the golf season is seven months long, it can seem even longer when your scores don't improve and when you don't practice. Who wants to trudge down the fairway feeling bad because hitting topped balls with
ping k15, shanks, or slices that only look good on watermelons? Isn't it embarrassing to admit to friends and family that you had the same lousy round yesterday as you did three or four months ago.