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微软Windows业务掌门史蒂夫·辛诺夫斯基(Steve Sinofsky)今天公布了Windows 8开发团队,其中包括开发应用商店的团队。这是微软官方首次证实Windows 8将与最近发布的Mac OSX相似,包含一款应用商店。有关Windows 8应用商店的谍照4月份就泄露到了互联网上,但现在这一消息得到了微软的证实。
应用商店对微软而言并非新生事物,Windows Vista中就包含有名为Windows Marketplace的应用商店,只是从未受到关注。但是,微软将被指责模仿苹果,尤其是如果其应用商店被命名为Windows App Store的情况下。
今年早些时候,微软曾试图阻止苹果将App Store申请为注册商标,称这是一个通用词汇。
·In Control Of Your PC(控制PC):这可能是某种新的控制界面,例如语音命令,也可能是一款安全功能。
·Human Interaction Platform(人际互动平台):可能是用于控制Windows的Kinect。
·User-Centered Experience(以用户为中心的体验):可能是对Windows进行个性化设置的最新功能。
以下是辛诺夫斯基公布的Windows 8开发团队清单:
·App Compatibility and Device Compatibility
·App Store
·Applications and Media Experience
·App Experience
·Core Experience Evolved
·Device Connectivity
·Devices & Networking Experience
·Ecosystem Fundamentals
·Engineer Desktop
·Engineering System
·Enterprise Networking
·Global Experience
·Graphics Platform
·Hardware Developer Experience
·Human Interaction Platform
·In Control of Your PC
·Kernel Platform
·Licensing and Deployment
·Media Platform
·Networking Core
·Presentation and Composition
·Reliability, Security, and Privacy
·Runtime Experience
·Search, View, and Command
·Security & Identity
·Storage & Files Systems
·Sustained Engineering
·User-Centered Experience
·Windows Online
·Windows Update
·Wireless and Networking services