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golf clubs for sale for golfers

golf clubs for sale for golfers

golf clubs for sale for golfers

Initially, the modern game of golf involved teams of players that would take turns hitting the ball back and forth across a golf field. It seemed more like soccer with a miniature ball and sticks.
Prior to this, it is unclear where exactly the game of golf emerged from. Theories of who the first golfers were include the ancient Romans, the Celts, or the Huns. During medieval times, golfers began playing by the principle of the uninterrupted second shot with golf clubs for sale in store of idealgolfclubs.com. With this adaptation, and the idea of each team now playing its own ball, this game became (somewhat) golf as we know it and quickly gained immense popularity, replacing the former most popular sport of archery. During this time that tensions between Scotland and England were running extremely high, archery had been so vital to Scotlands national defense that eventually, it was made that playing golf in Scotland was a criminal offense punishable by hanging!