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将SOPC Builder生成的NIOSII处理器添加到QuartusII中的BDF文件并完成工程后,编译时出现以下错误:
1." Range of port "d_address" in connecting module definition "the_cpu" is wider than the range of the port in the macrofunction instantion"
2." Range of port "i_address" in connecting module definition "the_cpu" is wider than the range of the port in the macrofunction instantion"

Stoneway Qi http://www.xinworks.com
应该查那里呢?我用之前自己做的另一个工程(编译成功的!)修改成与之配置完全相同的工程,编译时就成功了.现在两个工程完全一样,却一个OK,一个出现以上问题,实在不知道是哪里出了问题? 请大哥指点!
Error: Can't open encrypted VHDL or Verilog HDL file "F:/altera/last_all/system/car_monitor_system/car_monitor_system/cpu.v" -- current license file does not contain a valid license for encrypted file Error: Node instance "the_cpu" instantiates undefined entity "cpu" Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 80 warnings Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 80 warnings 我在start compilation时出现这样的问题,请问各位好心的哥哥姐姐是不是license的问题啊?谁有license,传给我一份好吗?我有急用,小妹这边谢了!邮箱:dream-sistertom.com