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you can easily connect the I2C Wishbone core to the NIOS processor

1. Within SOPC builder, generate interface to user logic.
2. Select bus interface type: avalon register slave.
3. Add "i2c_master_top.v" design file.
4. Read port list from file.
5. Connect the signals as follow:
wb_adr_i <=> address
wb_dat_i <=> writedata
wb_dat_o <=> readdata
wb_we_i <=> write
wb_stb_i <=> chipselect
wb_cyc_i <=> chipselect
wb_inta_o <=> irq
wb_clk_i <=> clk
wb_ack_o <=> waitrequest_n
wb_rst_i <=> always0
arst_i <=> reset_n
scl_pad_i <=> export
scl_pad_o <=> export
scl_padoen_o <=> export
sda_pad_i <=> export
sda_pad_o <=> export
sda_padoen_o <=> export
6. Under timing tab, leave the setup, wait and hold settings at 0 cycles.

You can now access the I2C core via included "oc_i2c_master.h".
