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我用的是ISE6.3,和MODELSIM 5.7g(从这里下载的crack),但为什么从ISE中调用MODELSIM还有LICENCE问题??郁闷。。。。有那位高手知道如何解决?请帮帮忙吧。

# vsim -lib work -t 1ps counter_tbw
# The checkout of feature vsim has been disallowed.
# The license came from an uncounted nodelocked license and
# an instance of ModelSim is already running on this machine
# ** Error: Failure to obtain a VHDL simulation license.
FATAL ERROR in license manager
** Fatal: vsim is exiting with code 43.
(Exit codes are defined in the ModelSim messages appendix
of the ModelSim User's Manual.)
FATAL ERROR in license manager
ERROR: VSim failed to simulate annotated testbench