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上网时间: 2006年01月09日


一场非比寻常的标准之争持续在超宽频(UWB)技术领域激战,飞思卡尔半导体却一马当先,将其UWB芯片投入显示器与汽车等其它消费电子市场,该公司主管UWB业务的总监Martin Rofheart表示。

飞思卡尔双芯片UWB方案XS 660芯片组。

飞思卡尔的UWB产品线是采用Rofheart过去所创立的Xtreme Spectrum公司开发的技术为基础而发展起来的,Xtreme Spectrum是在2003年底为飞思卡尔所收购,因此其Trinity UWB产品后来成为飞思卡尔的XS 110芯片组出售。该款三片式芯片组能在20公尺的范围内支持110Mbps的频宽,功耗为750mW。

飞思卡尔现正开发一种双芯片UWB方案,它具有660Mbps的实体层且功耗更低,数据速率为500Mbps。据飞思卡尔表示,这款新的XS 660芯片组具可扩展的性能,其每兆数据频宽的功耗约为1mW;因此Rofheart表示,500Mb数据串流的功耗约为500毫瓦,是802.11 Wi-Fi技术所需功耗的一半。

飞思卡尔计划近期公开XS 660芯片组的细节,稍晚提供样片,并于2006年正式发售。Rofheart表示,为利用飞思卡尔90nm制程的优势,该制程需要新库及其它相关设计支持,使得该芯片组进行了重新设计。他说XS 660为支持诸如环绕立体声系统或车用显示等新应用,使其零组件材料成本增加了约10美元。


9月,日本东京的Silex Technology采用飞思卡尔的XS 110芯片组开发出一种支持UWB的miniPCI模块,该模块用于一款出口到美国的打印机服务器产品线。

Rofheart表示,与飞思卡尔的合并使源于Xtreme Spectrum的UWB开发工作得力于飞思卡尔的软件和芯片制程工程资源。“我们得以利用包括在法国Crolles所开发的90nm数字CMOS或RF CMOS等制程技术,”他指出,“飞思卡尔本身拥有软件资源和数字逻辑设计资源,这对我们帮助很大。”



飞思卡尔正开发一种兼容USB 2.0的UWB版本,该版本称为Wireless Zero Install,该技术使得PC可无线地连接到支持USB的大容量储存设备,以及与其它以480Mbps的速率输的设备。该版本的目标是使各公司不用为外围设备开发新的USB驱动器,而能实现无线连接。一位发言人称,USB开发者论坛正设计一种需新驱动器和软件堆栈的新无线USB标准,而飞思卡尔的方案将采用现有的USB 2.0驱动器。在全球内,约有7.5亿个系统或外围设备安装的是USB 2.0驱动器,飞思卡尔相信它的许多客户会以UWB无线连接存取这些现有的USB 2.0设备。

1 Overview
Freescale Semiconductor introduces two new
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) solutions that bring full wireless
connectivity and high-speed wireless personal area
networking (PAN) to the home and mobile markets:
• The XS660 UWB Solution is a feature-rich
solution that is ideal for consumer electronics and
home applications.
• The XS660M UWB Solution is a lower power,
lower cost, mobile version of the XS660 that is
ideal for mobile and handheld applications.
With these UWB Solutions, smartphones, PDAs,
multimedia players, and digital cameras can wirelessly
connect with other consumer electronic products such as
media centers, displays, and PCs, to provide streaming
multimedia applications and file transfers.
The XS660 and XS660M UWB chipsets build on the technology developed for the first-to-market XS110
UWB chipset. Both offer selectable data rates, ranging from 28 to 660 Mbps, and optimized power
management. The XS660 and XS660M implement the IEEE 802.15.3 MAC protocol and use the
FCC-certified Direct Sequence Ultra-Wideband (DS-UWB) technology. Both comprehensive solutions
include hardware, software, tools, and development support.
Each UWB solution consists of two main components:
• MC270211 RF Transceiver
The RF Transceiver integrates three types of functionality in a single mixed-signal device: UWB
analog receive, analog transmit, and timing generator. External filters and one or two external
antennas are used with this chip.
• MC270231 Digital Baseband and Medium Access Controller (XS660)
MC270232 Digital Baseband and Medium Access Controller (XS660M)
The Digital Baseband (BB) and Medium Access Controller (MAC) interfaces the host device to
the XS660 or XS660M. It integrates a number of functions for enhanced performance and system
clock generation, including frame detection, automatic gain control (AGC), error correction,
acquisition and tracking, RF Transceiver control, and RAKE receiver. It also implements the
capabilities defined in the IEEE 802.15.3 protocol to enable high quality streaming multimedia
Both the XS660 and XS660M provide wireless connectivity with a combination of low cost, minimal
power consumption, and high data rates. This combination makes the XS660 and XS660M the ideal
solutions for consumer electronics and handheld applications.
桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙; 桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花卖酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉换来花下眠; 半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前; 车尘马足富者趣,酒盏花枝贫者缘。 若将富贵比贫贱,一在平地一在天; 若将贫贱比

东南大学研制出UWB无线通信实验系统,速率达100Mbps 上网时间: 2006年01月12日

东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室和毫米波国家重点实验室宣布,已于2005年12月共同成功研制出中国第一套高速超宽带(Ultra-Wideband, UWB)无线通信实验、演示系统。

该系统采用自主设计的双载波-正交频分复用(Dual Carrier Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, DC-OFDM)方案,无线传输速率达到110Mbps,传输距离超过10米,可用来同时传输4路高清电视节目或未压缩视频图像,或进行无线高速数据传输等,在家庭、办公室无线多媒体通信等领域有广泛的应用前景。



http://www.eetchina.com/ART_8800403408_617687_0c305b60.HTM http://www.eetchina.com/ART_8800403408_617687_0c305b60.HTM

桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙; 桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花卖酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉换来花下眠; 半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前; 车尘马足富者趣,酒盏花枝贫者缘。 若将富贵比贫贱,一在平地一在天; 若将贫贱比

北邮UWB研究项目通过验收,可助中国扫除专利障碍? 上网时间: 2006年01月13日



据了解,北京邮电大学该项目组还与有关部门协作,首次代表中国向国际电联ITU-R TG1/8提交了有关UWB与TD-SCDMA电磁兼容的提案,并参与了IEEE802.15.4a UWB国际标准方案的制定及融合工作。




日本安立推出符合FCC规格的车载UWB雷达 上网时间: 2005年12月19日

日本安立日前推出了配备RF前端与天线的车载UWB雷达底板。该产品使用24GHz~29GHz频率,符合FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)制定的规格,可足够降低23.6GHz~24.0GHz禁止发射频带中的电波辐射。车载UWB雷达是与松下电器产业旗下的松下汽车系统公司联合开发的,松下电器产业负责基带部分。对于此次展出的RF前端和天线,计划在“2005年亚太微波会议(Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference,APMC)”上进行技术发表。

为了降低禁止发射频带的电波辐射,该公司开发了具有“带轮圈的空腔”的天线和触发振荡器(Burst Controlled Oscillator)。对于特定频率,天线的增益非常小,可以起到陷波滤波器(Notch Filter)一样的作用。其结构就是由轮圈连接的空腔排列在螺旋天线的周围。由这种空腔构成的天线具有共振频率。基本共振频率方面,由于输入阻抗较大,天线输入端会产生反射,因此具有增益下降的特性。通过调节轮圈宽度和空腔尺寸,可将共振频率对准禁止发射频带。

触发振荡器以间歇方式进行振荡,具体来说就是每ns以26.5GHz的频率进行振荡。通过对振荡器的电源电流进行高速的开关切换,无论是振荡器的上升时间(Rise Time)还是下降升时间(Fall Time)均可控制在100ps以内,使之以触发方式进行振荡。

过去的振荡器,其上升和下降时间都很长,因此难以通过开关切换的方式来使用。因而,通常采用使用半导体开关,切换振荡频率的方法。使之在没有发射限制的ISM(Industrial, Scientific and Medical,工业、科学和医疗)频带所规定的24.05~24.25GHz之间进行振荡。但是,ISM频带与FCC规定的禁止发射频带非常接近,因此使用半导体开关的传统方法会产生电波干扰,因此就产生了必须极大地降低整体功率的问题。

此次,利用天线可降低十几dB,而触发振荡器在禁止发射频带上的功率比26.5GHz峰值频率小15dB,因此通过结合使用2项技术,就能使其发射功率减小20dB以上。而FCC则要求在禁止发射频带中使信号强度衰减20dB,因而就能满足这项要求。触发振荡器等IC由安立设计和生产,采用HBT(Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor,异质结双极晶体管)工艺。该公司拥有用于生产测定仪器用高性能IC的HBT开发技术及制造设备,并将其运用到了此次开发。




WiMedia group sidesteps IEEE on UWB standard

By John Walko
LONDON 〞 The WiMedia Alliance has by-passed the IEEE standardization process for ultrawideband networking and its physical and Media Access Control layers have been approved as the basis of a global UWB standard by the European based industry association and standardization body Ecma International.
The Alliance will also propose at the next meeting of the IEEE 802.15.3a task group, scheduled for January 2006 in Hawaii, that the long running, often acrimonious and stalled process for UWB standardization be halted.

It will also propose that members of Ecma International fast track the WiMedia Alliance*s multiband-OFDM radio specification as a global standard for UWB used in consumer devices, and will submit the standard to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for fast track approval.

※There have been many attempts to resolve the impasse within the IEEE 802.15.3a task group but the process there has just not been receptive to the will of the market as a whole. The market needs to commit to a speedy resolution and getting this technology out quickly,§ said Stephen Wood, president of the WiMedia Alliance and a senior executive within Intel*s wireless communications group.

Wood was referring to the stalemate between the WiMedia Alliance members* proposal and the competing specification from the Freescale Semiconductors backed Direct Sequence technology.

He said members of WiMedia Alliance and Ecma submitted the WiMedia UWB platform specifications to Ecma in early 2005. These have now been refined and released as ECMA-368, which defines the PHY and MAC layers for a decentralized system, and which employs the unlicensed 3.1 to 10.6 GHz UWB spectrum and mandates support of at least 53.3, 106.7 and 200Mbit/s data rates; and separately the ECMA-369 standard that specifies the MAC-PHY interface.

Currently, these apply only to U.S., since other countries are still looking at the regulatory and spectrum interference implications of UWB. However, Wood said the Alliance has been in close contact with the European standardization body ETSI to have the proposals approved in Europe, and is working with regulatory bodies in Japan, Korea and China.

He said he expects the global regulatory concerns about UWB to be ※stabilized§ during Spring 2006.

※Our work with Ecma brings us one step closer to finally establishing a single, viable radio that allows manufacturers to create reliable products with differentiating functionality while giving consumers the choice of product brands,§ said Wood. ※Products are coming this year. No question. And, WiMedia Alliance diligently works every day to make sure that when those products hit the shelves, they can operate legally and, in turn, meet their potential.§

Ecma International, (formerly known as the European Computer Manufactuers Association), a non-profit industry association formed in 1961, has been involved in setting standards for many computer and communications related technologies, for instance near field communications and DVD interchange, as well as numerous scripting languages.

※The standards authorized by Ecma are at least as acceptable in the industry as those developed by the IEEE process,§ noted Roberto Aiello, founder and CTO of Staccato Communications and member of the board of the WiMedia Alliance.


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-14 13:24:28编辑过]

此文章源自 NE Asia Online 网站

Freescale's Ultra-Wideband Brings Wireless Capability to In-Car Entertainment

January 16, 2006 -- Freescale Semiconductor's ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless technology is bringing new capabilities to auto infotainment systems. The wireless video system represents the first auto application to leverage UWB.

The wireless video system has been demonstrated in a seven-passenger sport utility vehicle (SUV). Leveraging the company's UWB, it is able to simultaneously stream two separate video streams to two liquid crystal display (LCD) screens mounted on the back of the driver and passenger headrests, eliminating the need for cables and wires to connect the video server located in the vehicle. An additional two screens, located on the back of the headrests on the second row in the vehicle, wirelessly receives video using 802.11n technology, showcasing the coexistence of UWB with other wireless solutions. This product concept highlights the potential for wireless video and audio entertainment systems used in cars, trucks and SUVs.

The potential for wirelessly linking other infotainment systems within the auto, such as gaming or global positioning system (GPS), are realizable using UWB, due to the high data rates.

With the ability to eliminate wires and cables to individual screens in the auto, UWB can help manufacturers deliver a high-quality in-car entertainment system. Currently, auto manufacturers are finalizing specifications for 2009 and 2010 models, and the availability of the company's UWB solutions now provides these manufacturers with a viable solution for their wireless infotainment systems.

(NE Asia Online)


超宽带IC瞄准无线USB应用 上网时间: 2006年01月18日


在获得美国联邦通信委员会的许可证后,超宽带供应商及他们的客户目前正在寻求其它国家的通行证。Alereon公司的首席执行官Eric Broockman预测,日本会在4月颁发超宽带许可证,其它主要的技术国家随后也会这么做。




起初,UWB芯片供应商将寻求用无线USB替代有线USB连接。在日本东京举行的无线USB开发商大会上,微软公司USB项目经理Fred Bhesania报告说,无线USB开发工作组已经完成并批准了九个无线USB应用框架中的八个。





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This article was printed from EE Times - Asia

UWB task group agrees to disagree Posted: 20 Jan 2006

As expected, the IEEE 802.15.3a ultrawideband (UWB) task group voted this week to disband, ending three years of bitter debate—and expensive travel.

Formed to define a standard for short-range wireless communications at up to 480Mbps, the group has never been able to achieve a 75-percent consensus on two competing proposals: direct sequence UWB proposed by Freescale or multiband OFDM proposed by the WiMedia Alliance. The latter was led by Intel, Staccato, Wisair, Alereon and a host of consumer companies.

In voting early this week (Jan. 17) at the IEEE 802 meeting in Hawaii, the task group managed a 94.7 percent majority in favor of disbanding, with only four no votes and 10 abstentions. The motion was then forwarded to the 802.15.3 Working Group for a vote, where it was unanimously approved.

"Personally, it was nice to finally see agreement on both sides," said Jim Lansford, chair of the task group, but commenting in his role as CTO of Alereon. "The time to compromise was two years ago, and we missed that chance and we've just been butting heads since then."

While some participants characterized the process as a waste of time and travel budgets, Lansford disagreed. "The IEEE process really improved both proposals," he said. "We added improvements to the WiMedia specification because of the vetting process."

With the group disbanded, the race is on to see who will get market traction. While Freescale was demonstrating products at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month, Lansford was dismissive. "The race is over," he said. "We [WiMedia] showed multiple silicon sources at CES, versus a proprietary solution," referring to Freescale's status as the only silicon source for its DS-UWB technology.

- Patrick Mannion
EE Times

This article was printed from EE Times - Asia located at:
http://www.eetasia.com/ART_8800404372_499488_ba4cc902_no.HTM http://www.eetasia.com/ART_8800404372_499488_ba4cc902_no.HTM

蓝牙联姻UWB迈出重要一步,集成芯片将于07年面市 上网时间: 2006年03月30日

蓝牙特别兴趣团体(Bluetooth Special Interest Group)日前宣布,已选择WiMedia Alliance的MB-OFDM UWB(多频带OFDM超宽带)技术,以结合现有蓝牙(Bluetooth)无线技术,为实现全球公认、拥有高速/高数据传输率的蓝牙无线技术踏出重要一步。


Bluetooth SIG执行董事Michael Foley博士表示:“Bluetooth SIG是以会员主导的机构,有责任照顾会员所需。经过对各项UWB技术选择作出详细考虑之后,Bluetooth SIG决定以会员所需为依归,充份利用其现有在UWB和Bluetooth技术方面的投资,以满足用户对高速传输的需求。透过与WiMedia Alliance紧密合作以研发新版本的Bluetooth技术,可谓最有效之方法。”

UWB技术与Bluetooth无线射频将互相兼容,并维持Bluetooth无线技术的主要优势,包括低耗电量、低成本、点对点网络、内置保安功能及配合流动装置等,而反向兼容市场上逾五亿个Bluetooth装置亦是重要的考虑因素之一。WiMedia Alliance提供的WB-OFDM UWB技术方案能够满足以上各条件。Bluetooth SIG及WiMedia Alliance将紧密合作,以确保整合两项技术的高速传输方案,能在极低耗电量的流动装置上达至最优化表现。

WiMedia Alliance主席兼英特尔超宽带技术策略员Stephen R. Wood表示:“Bluetooth生产商在高产量及低数据传输率的计算机、电讯及消费品用者群中成功建立了品牌的认受性。WiMedia Alliance期望为Bluetooth产品提供高数据传输速度的升级途径,为未来崭新的移动数据应用作好准备。”

Bluetooth SIG与WiMedia Alliance协议中的其中一项关键,在于双方携手推动UWB技术取得全球监管机构认可。双方同意发展一个既毋须个别申请无线牌照,亦能在高于6Hz的无线频谱上运作的高速传输方案。此项目乃响应欧洲及亚洲地区相关监管机构的诉求。


Bluetooth SIG Core Specification Working Group Charter (Bluetooth SIG核心规格工作小组宪章)及UWB功能要求文件(UWB Feature Requirements Document, FRD)已得到Bluetooth SIG董事会审批,标志着研发工作正式展开。UWB研发小组已于UWB FRD内订明建立Bluetooth SIG可采纳方案时之所需工作。双方亦即将开始制定Bluetooth SIG核心规格工作小组的规格起草内容。Bluetooth SIG预计过程约需时一年,而Bluetooth/UWB方案集成芯片组雏形则预期在二零零七年第二季推出。

关于WiMedia Alliance

WiMedia Alliance是一个非牟利的公开业界组织,负责推动全球UWB方案之广泛采用、守则监管、标准化及厂商间的互通性。作为业界首项UWB标准(由ECMA International发表),WiMedia UWB最适用于无线个人传输网络,为个人计算机、消费装置、流动装置及汽车市场提供高速数据传输(480Mbps或以上)及低耗电量功能。WiMedia UWB共享无线平台的优势,是能够与其它无线服务共存,于设计上可与1394 Trade Association Wireless Working Group、Certified Wireless USB Promoter Group及Bluetooth SIG所开发的应用程序兼容。WiMedia董事局成员包括Alereon、惠普、英特尔、柯达、微软、诺基亚、飞利蒲、三星电子、索尼、STMicroelectronics、Staccato Communications、Texas Instruments 及Wisair。详情请浏览www.wimedia.org。

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此文章源自《EE Times》网站:

Freescale, Motorola leave UWB Forum Posted: 11 Apr 2006

Freescale Semiconductor is pulling out of the UWB Forum which it co-founded with Motorola and Pulse-Link. A spokesperson at Freescale also confirmed for EE Times that Motorola is also pulling.

The forum was founded in 2004 in an effort to rally support around Freescale's direct-sequence flavor of wireless ultrawideband signaling, becoming the WiMedia Alliance. The alliance is led by heavyweights such as Intel and Philips, as well as a host of startups including Staccato, Alereon and WiQuest.

Freescale's decision to pull out was not unexpected. According to Martin Rofheart, director of Freescale's UWB operations, the decision was motivated by the company's need to focus completely on the wireless USB application, which it calls Cable Free USB. WiMedia Alliance calls its own drive in that direction Wireless USB.

"The forum was de-focused with concerns such as regulations, certification, interoperability and common signaling [schemes]," said Rofheart. "We don't think anything else matters for UWB more than our approach with [Cable Free] USB 2.0. We're showing our hand: the battle for UWB is on. We're pulling out of every effort not related to it."

Rofheart and Freescale are betting on its complete solution for unwiring USB 2.0, versus the WiMedia Alliance's approach, which Rofheart said requires the designer to add hardware, software and protocol stacks.

Though Freescale and Motorola are pulling out of the forum, Pulse-Link is staying in. "The UWB Forum is not made up of one or two companies, it has been and continues to be a federation of companies, groups and organizations promoting the virtues of true impulse base UWB technology that will continue," stated John Santhoff, founder and CTO at Pulse-Link.

- Patrick Mannion EE Times

This article was printed from EE Times - Asia located at:
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