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bydre beatsbydre beatsbydreuk Without love , it turned , but a loss _649

bydre beatsbydre beatsbydreuk Without love , it turned , but a loss _649

out the whirring of the wind and blowing up, the sand is filled with swirling crackling cheers from smiling. envy them a little mind, willing the wind's blowing happy to find the next foothold,montblanc pen, in gone with the wind of the time, happiness is overflowing heart.

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without love, it turned, but a loss
met, as peony bloom, when the bright flowers. smile the moment, there are like candied fruit, revealed from the mouth of sweet,bydre beatsbydre beatsbydreuk, are not from the heart dangqi slightest warmth.

the sum of the ancients first met south and rain stained faint trace strands of relations, but also subconsciously always met in the instant rise in the heart of the devout buddhist, worship lies in the feudal ethical code of yesterday, the kind of silent sacred! people today are not the same subtlety, the number of tokens in the willowbank pianpianshaonian river, swirling thoughts so entangled with a trace of tenderness, love of the water deposited in the wang side.

remember the first time i saw you, wanted a very unexpected. carries a miss when the carefully pondering the green, a silly boy you smile that micro xu found a glimmer of enron, the time one o'clock freeze even in the heart of the moment, the tears, they flow down. told that he was just stubborn loose sand, wind squint eye, should not miss, do not go long for, zhiyuan the moment you turn yourself in, not out of his hands, grasped the point of your attachment ... ...

winter to spring again, you already are not. rolling hills such as the heart of chaos, a wave of vibration between heart. thought, only cropped up a miss, foreign land of you, happy you, but still happy? or find a home has been like chicks, constantly surprises, forget the past-stricken, forgotten thing of the past.

true, man, it is necessary in the chest full of ambition to live up flies for decades. but i really do not want, leaving a so-called heroes in the world, just want to hold their own dreams and the happiness of your life safely completed. life is a dream you can, with a lifetime of effort to fight efforts to improve. as long as old age, occasionally recall, i dream of whom have been hard to achieve, and then also!

fast this year's spring has quietly degree finished, i thought of peony. in full bloom, and whether you can meet again, do not expect anything forever, and you do not expect habitat habitat bald, only hope to look at you, then remember your happy smile when, it is always left in my heart, give me a quiet nostalgia.

emerge out of your mind and turn the movie, you are without a trace of nostalgia. although i know you still have an attachment, but you never let it show, you would rather not put together in the sky between us adds a fragment.

i know, you're saying, miss, are no longer met.

sprinkle dust in the wind young's time, i miss the quiet one, think you that smile when the soften.

really, really, it is a loss, but you have never seen ... ...