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fixture can not be locked

■Test Fixture Software



Tebo-ICT is a kind of very professional ICT and ATE fixture software. Chinese interface, designed in humanity, compatible with Win98/2000/NT/XP system, which is easy to operate and train. It can cope with all kinds of GERBER and buried via, positive and negative board materials; at the same time, it equip with many kind of CAD connector, which make it can easy to deal with data in short time. It is the best choice to make high density, complex ICT and ATE test fixture.

■Input:  1)Gerber Rs274D,Gerber Rs274X,DPF,HPGL,DXF ...

          2)CAD(ASCII): ODB++(*.tar,*.tgz,*.zip),GenCAD(*.cad), Cadence(*.cad),Fab FATF(*.asc,*.fat,*.fab),
                     Mentor(*.neu,*.vss), PADS(*.asc),PowerPCB(*.asc),Redac CADIF(*.paf),Protel(*.pcb)...    


          2)ICT: TRI(518/5001),JET(200/300), TAKAYA(AT3200/3400),TESCON(piont-55/66,FOCUS-2000),

          3)Flying Probe: TAKAYA(APT-9000/9400/7400CN),SPEA(4040)...
          4)AOI: AGILENT(SP50/SP2),ORBOTECH(VT-9000)...

          5)AXI: HP5X  ...

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-20 11:31:48编辑过]
