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win7 system generator 生成代码出错

win7 system generator 生成代码出错

利用system generator 搭建好模型后,运行都正常,不过点击生成硬件代码后就报错 错误如下。
Begin generation
Checking model status
Checking simulation times
Performing compilation and generation
*** ERROR ***
Errors occurred during netlist generation.
Error reported by S-function 'sysgen' in '<a href="matlabpen_and_hilite_system ('mmc_fff/Gateway Out')">mmc_fff/Gateway Out</a>':
A summary of Sysgen errors has been written to C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2010b/work/mmc_fff_sysgen_error.log.
--------------------------------- Version Log----------------------------------
Version Path
System Generator 13.2 C:/Xilinx/13.2/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen
Matlab (R2010b) C:/Program Files/MATLAB/R2010b
ISE C:/Xilinx/13.2/ISE_DS/ISE
Summary of Errors:
Error 0001: Fatal Internal Error
Block: 'mmc_fff/Gateway In'
Error 0001:
Reported by:
'mmc_fff/Gateway In'
An internal error occurred in the Xilinx Blockset Library.
Please report this error to Xilinx (http://support.xilinx.com),
in as much detail as possible. You may also find immediate help
in the Answers Database and other online resources at http://support.xilinx.com.
Since it is possible that this internal error resulted from an
unhandled usage error in your design, we advise you to carefully
check the usage of the block reporting the internal error. If
errors persist, we recommend that you restart MATLAB.