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飞思卡尔推出基于RS08的8位MCU MC9RS08KA

飞思卡尔推出基于RS08的8位MCU MC9RS08KA

522日讯,飞思卡尔半导体推出一款超低端8MCUMC9RS08KA,其价格低于50美分,体积非常小巧,足以装进电动牙刷头中,使工程师能够轻松采用这款扩展的微控制器产品。fficeffice" />


MC9RS08KA1 Features
Contains 8-bit RS08 core
Up to 10 MHz (bus frequency)
RS08 instruction set
Supports tiny/short address mode
14-byte fast-access RAM
Allows emulation of HC08/HCS08 zero-offset index addressing mode instructions.
Third-Generation Flash and RAM (extremely fast, byte writable programming)
1K Flash ( also available in 2K Flash)
Flexible Clock Options
4 Bidirectional I/O lines with software selectable pull-up (eliminates need for external resistors).
Analog Comparator
Real Time Interrupt
8-bit timer with 8-bit prescale
System Protection
Resets in instance of runaways or corrupted code.
Low Voltage Detection
Illegal Opcode and illegal address detection
Flash security feature
Single wire debugging and emulation interface; eliminates need for expensive emulation tools or development hardware.

B. regards,
Peter Zhang
Sales Engineer
Future electronics  , Shenzhen Branch
Tel no     : (86)755-83795757-261
Main Line86)755-83669286
FAX       : (86)755-83669280
Mobile    : (86) 13828729939
E--mail   : Peter.zhang@future.ca

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