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[求助][原创]system ID 不匹配

[求助][原创]system ID 不匹配

I meet a problem.I never see the phenomenon that the system ID is still keeping 0x00000000.
But my Nios in the device is matched with the software.The display on the computer is
underside.I have designed a board success,but this time i have no way to solve it.

Using cable "ByteBlasterII [LPT1]", device 1, instance 0x00
Pausing target processor: not responding.
Resetting and trying again: OK
Reading System ID at address 0x02004828: does not match
    ID value does not match: read 0x00000000; expected 0x5C4837F5
    Timestamp value does not match: image on board is older than expected
    Read timestamp  8:00:00 1970/01/01; expected 12:38:29 2006/11/13
Warning: The software you are downloading may not run on the system which
is currently configured into the device.

Downloading 01000000 ( 0%)
Downloading 02000020 (99%)
Downloaded 63KB in 1.9s (33.1KB/s)

Verifying 01000000 ( 0%)
Verify failed between address 0x1000000 and 0x100F6DF
Leaving target processor paused

