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Microchip PIC18F87K22极低功耗8位MCU开发方案

Microchip PIC18F87K22极低功耗8位MCU开发方案

关键词: MCU , Microchip , PIC18F87K22
Microchip公司的PIC18F87K22系列是采用极低功耗(nanoWatt XLP)技术的高性能MCU,集成了1Mb增强性闪存和24路12位ADC,具有高达16MIPS性能,8x8单周期硬件乘法器,工作频率高达64MHz,工作电压1.8V-5.5V,有10个CCP/ECCP模块,11个8/16位定时器/计数器模块,两个主同步串口模块,特别适用于功率有严格要求和以电池为能源的应用.本文介绍了PIC18F87K22低功耗特性,MCU特性以及外设特性, 方框图以及XLP 8位开发板主要特性,主要元件及分布图以及电路图.

PIC18F87K22 Family 64/80-Pin, High-Performance, 1-Mbit Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with 12-Bit A/D and nanoWatt XLP Technology

This document contains device-specific information for the following devices:

This family combines the traditional advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers – namely, high computational performance and a rich feature set – with an extremely competitive price point. These features make the PIC18F87K22 family a logical choice for many high-performance applications where price is a primary consideration.


• Power-Managed modes:
- Run: CPU on, peripherals on
- Idle: CPU off, peripherals on
- Sleep: CPU off, peripherals off
• Two-Speed Oscillator Start-up
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
• Power-Saving Peripheral Module Disable (PMD)
• Ultra Low-Power Wake-up
• Fast Wake-up, 1 us Typical
• Low-Power WDT, 300 nA Typical
• Ultra Low 50 nA Input Leakage
• Run mode Currents Down to 5.5 uA, Typical
• Idle mode Currents Down to 1.7 uA Typical
• Sleep mode Currents Down to Very Low 20 nA, Typical
• RTCC Current Downs to Very Low 700 nA, Typical

PIC18F87K22 MCU特性:

• Operating Voltage Range: 1.8V to 5.5V
• On-Chip 3.3V Regulator
• Operating Speed up to 64 MHz
• Up to 128 Kbytes On-Chip Flash Program Memory
• Data EEPROM of 1,024 Bytes
• 4K x 8 General Purpose Registers (SRAM)
• 10,000 Erase/Write Cycle Flash Program Memory, Minimum
• 1,000,000 Erase/write Cycle Data EEPROM Memory, Typical
• Flash Retention: 40 Years, Minimum
• Three Internal Oscillators: LF-INTRC (31 kHz), MF-INTOSC (500 kHz) and HF-INTOSC(16 MHz)
• Self-Programmable under Software Control
• Priority Levels for Interrupts
• 8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier
• Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Programmable period from 4 ms to 4,194s (about 70 minutes)
• In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via Two Pins
• In-Circuit Debug via Two Pins
• Programmable:


• Up to Ten CCP/ECCP modules:
- Up to seven Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules
- Three Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) modules
• Up to Eleven 8/16-Bit Timer/Counter modules:
- Timer0 – 8/16-bit timer/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler
- Timer1,3 – 16-bit timer/counter
- Timer2,4,6,8 – 8-bit timer/counter
- Timer5,7 – 16-bit timer/counter for 64k and 128k parts
- Timer10,12 – 8-bit timer/counter for 64k and 128k parts
• Three Analog Comparators
• Configurable Reference Clock Output
• Hardware Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) module with Clock, Calendar and Alarm Functions
• Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):
- Capacitance measurement for mTouch™ sensing solution
- Time measurement with 1 ns typical resolution
- Integrated temperature sensor
• High-Current Sink/Source 25 mA/25 mA (PORTB and PORTC)
• Up to Four External Interrupts
• Two Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) modules:
- 3/4-wire SPI (supports all four SPI modes)
- I2C™ Master and Slave modes
• Two Enhanced Addressable USART modules:
- LIN/J2602 support
- Auto-Baud Detect (ABD)
• 12-Bit A/D Converter with up to 24 Channels:
- Auto-acquisition and Sleep operation
- Differential input mode of operation
• Integrated Voltage Reference

图1.PIC18F6XK22 (64引脚)方框图

XLP 8位开发板

The board provides a low-cost, highly configurable development system for Microchip’s new line of 64 and 80-pin Extreme Low-Power (XLP) microcontrollers, including the PIC16(L)F1947 and PIC18F87K22 families.

The XLP 8-bit board permits users to explore and evaluate extreme low-power features, and learn low-power software and hardware techniques. Various headers are available to measure the power consumption of both the microcontroller and development board. It is flexible, supporting five different power sources over a wide voltage range. It is highly configurable, equipped with a variety of common peripheral components that can be selectively enabled. Finally, it is expandable through its modular interface, providing for the addition of advanced interfaces and connectivity methods.

As provided, the XLP 8-Bit Development Board functions as a demonstration platform on initial power-up. The included demonstration software takes a temperature measurement, datalogs information to the serial data EEPROM, and displays information to the on-board LCD. Additional software is provided to demonstrate low-power techniques and IC interface routines.

XLP 8位开发板主要特性:

The XLP 8-Bit Development Board includes these features:
• Support for both 64-pin and 80-pin versions of both PIC16 (L)F-series and PIC18 K-series Flash microcontrollers via Plug-In Modules (PIMs)
• Built-in capability for separately measuring microcontroller and board current consumption
• Multiple oscillator options
• Accommodations for five different power source options
• Configurability for a wide range of operating voltages (1.8V to 3.3V)
• Configuration selection jumpers to disable board components
• A hardware switchable option to control power to board components with port pin
• Three push buttons
• Seven LEDs
• Potentiometer for analog input
• 16x2 character LCD with controller
• Serial EEPROM storage
• PICtail™ interface for connection to various application daughter boards
• Serial Accessory Port (SAP)
• Temperature sensor
• Prototyping Area
• Support for all Microchip compatible programmers and emulators

XLP 8位开发板包括:

The XLP 8-Bit Development Board includes the following:
• XLP 8-Bit Development Board
• PIC16(L)F1947 Plug-In Module
• PIC18F87K22 Plug-In Module
USB mini-B cable
• Power Analyzer cable

图2. XLP 8位开发板元件分布图

XLP 8位开发板所对应元件如下:

The board includes these specific features, as indicated in the diagram:

1. Connector for Plug-In Modules (PIM)

2. Oscillator circuits (10 MHz and 32.768 kHz) for microcontroller on PIM

3. Power supply area (battery holders, external power supply input, LDO regulator and power supply select jumper) interface headers for the energy harvester demonstration board

4. Power LED

5. LDO regulator

6. IC power-select jumpers

7. Microcontroller Master Clear switch

8. Push buttons

9. Potentiometer

10. LEDs

11. 2x16 character LCD

12. Serial EEPROM

13. Temperature sensor

14. PICkit™ programmer/debugger 6-pin interface

15. Modular 28-pin riser interface for daughter boards

16. Serial Accessory Port

17. Prototype area with supply voltage and I2C™ signal access

18. Current measurement jumpers and access point


图4. XLP 8位开发板电路图(1)

图5. XLP 8位开发板电路图(2)
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