用的是XC4003,建了一个简单的tutorial工程,新建counter,新建counter_tbw,运行generate什么的,就出错: ISE Auto-Make Log File ----------------------- Updating: Generate Expected Simulation Results Starting: 'exewrap -tapkeep -mode pipe -sen 50 -tcl -command d:/Xilinx/data/projnav/__simulateAnnoTestBench.tcl __antTOano.rsp' Creating TCL Process Running Automatic Do File: counter_tbw.ado Starting: '@HKLM/SOFTWARE/Classes/XLNXEDA/products/DESIGNCNTR10/paths/VSystemPath/@/vsim -c -do counter_tbw.ado'
fatal error(0002): The system cannot find the file specified.
Tcl Unable to run the process due to a system error. VSim failed to simulate annotated testbench Reason: Done: failed with exit code: 0002. |