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System Generator 安裝

System Generator 安裝

Hi all: 我在安裝System Generator時,出現了各問題, 安裝一開始就跳出此訊息: There does not appear to be a supported version of Matlab installed on your system. If Matlab is installed,
try setting the MATLAB environment variable to point ot the installation
direction.  我Matlab已經裝好, version 7.1. 用時也很正常,請問世發生了什麼事情呢?

感謝!!我重灌matlab以後已經克服這個問題. 現在正在試驗如何用system generator這個好工具. 歡迎同好一起研究!!

能否给我发个sysgen啊,job3001@126.com thanks

你们用 sysgen 生成 netlist 的时候有没有出现过如下问题啊?:

Begin generation Checking model status Checking simulation times Performing compilation and generation

*** ERROR ***

Errors occurred during netlist generation.
Error using ==> sim
Error reported by S-function 'sysgen' in 'adder_saturate/Gateway In':

Summary of errors from all sources:

(NOTE: None of the errors were associated with a particular block;
 the block reporting this summary was chosen at random.)

Summary of Errors:
Error 0001: caught standard exception
    Block: Unspecified

Error 0001:

Reported by:

standard exception: XNetlistEngine:
An exception was raised:
com.xilinx.sysgen.netlist.NetlistInternal: couldn't make clock
wrapper at
line 107.



請問sysgen必須跟哪一版matlab 搭配

可否告知ㄧ下system generator 必須跟哪一版的matlab配套...

我目前裝的matlab版本是 R2006a, ISE是8.1i, sysgen 是8.1.01

接下來安裝sysgen 他出現要我設置"環境變量"


Matlab 版本不匹配。

如果装的是SYSTEM GENERATOR 8.1以上的版本的话,Matlab的版本要R2006a以上。
