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[求助]请教关于slow Slow down the cable speed in iMPACT

[求助]请教关于slow Slow down the cable speed in iMPACT

Answer Record # 21504: 7.1i iMPACT - I receive "ERROR iMPACT 477 - The bsdl for the device 'UNKNOWN' is out of date" when trying to initialize the JTAG chain in iMPACT
 – Slow down the cable speed in iMPACT–>Output–>Cable Setup.
Slowing down the cable speed reduces the interference of noise on the board and can resolve Signal Integrity issues. If this resolves the problem, the termination schemes on the JTAG lines must be addressed. 
但是我的cable setup 只能选择LTP1这一个,而且没有选择速度的选项
Slowing down the cable speed reduces the interference of noise on the board and can resolve Signal Integrity issues. If this resolves the problem, the termination schemes on the JTAG lines must be addressed. 
但是我的cable setup 只能选择LTP1这一个,而且没有选择速度的选项