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美资安富利上海急聘沈阳Xilinx FAE

美资安富利上海急聘沈阳Xilinx FAE

1. Dedicate FAE of Xilinx product line.
2. Use technical expertise to respond to customer inquiries, demonstrate products as well as its application;
3. Register Design-In /Design-wins with suppliers;
4. Maximize the design-win dollar value through continuous providing design-in supports to customer;
5. Prepare detailed product specifications to support customer design requirement;
6. Resolve customer problem independently or by using resources from suppliers;
7. Provide technical training to internal sales team;
8. Comply and submit statistics or periodic reports.
9. Enhance customer fidelity and relationship.
1. Bachelor degree or above, major in electronic engineering or equivalent;
2. At least 3 years working experience in R& D or Field Application Engineer ;
3. Well familiarize with Variously Communication Protocols such as SDH, G-Ethernet, SPI4.2, FiberChannel, RapidI/O, and so on.
4. Solid experience in implementation DSP application design with FPGA such as FIR, FFT, RS, Turber, and so on.
5. Solid experience in Hight Spped PCB hardware design, experience in source synchroniz or Hight Speed serials circuit application experience is priority
6. Good interpersonal and communication skill and a good team player;
7. Good command of English.

安富利(Avnet,Inc.)(NYSE:AVT)总部位于美国阿利桑那州凤凰城。公司是世界上最大的B2B经销商之一,经营品种包括一流生产厂家供应的半导体、互连设备、无源器件及机电部件、企业网络和计算机设备,以及嵌入式系统。安富利对上述产品进行销售、存储和增值,并提供供应链管理和工程技术服务,客户遍及68个国家和地区。2004年,本公司在《财富》杂志500强中排名第223位。2002年,安富利还被《财富》杂志列为世界增长最快前50家公司之一。年初,《财富》授予安富利为业内最受尊重企业之一的荣誉。安富利(Avnet, Inc.)由两大经营集团组成: · Avnet Electronics Marketing (EM) ,主要经销电子元器件 · Avnet Technology Solutions (ATS)(合并了Avnet Applied Computing和Avnet Computer Marketing),主要经销计算机产品和系统。 两家公司都在以下三个主要区域从事经营:美洲、EMEA(欧洲,中东和非洲)以及亚洲。安富利亚洲有限公司(Avnet Asia Pte Ltd.)是安富利股份有限公司(Avnet Inc,)的全资子公司,总部位于新加坡。在澳大利亚、中国、香港、印度、马来西亚、新西兰、菲律宾、新加坡、韩国、台湾地区、泰国等地拥有区域性销售公司和办事处。更多详情请参考安富利公司网页:http://www.avnet.com。


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-9 14:59:21编辑过]



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