----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- testbench for 8-bit adder -- reads file "vectors" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE std.textio.ALL; ARCHITECTURE adder8 OF testbench2 IS ----------------------------------- -- component declaration for adderN ----------------------------------- COMPONENT addern GENERIC(n : integer); PORT (a : IN std_logic_vector(n DOWNTO 1); b : IN std_logic_vector(n DOWNTO 1); cin : IN std_logic; sum : OUT std_logic_vector(n DOWNTO 1); cout : OUT std_logic); END COMPONENT; -- declare one large signal SIGNAL ports : std_logic_vector(26 DOWNTO 1) := (OTHERS => 'Z'); -- declare an alias for each port -- this makes it easier to connect the signals to the component ALIAS a : std_logic_vector(8 DOWNTO 1) IS ports(26 DOWNTO 19); ALIAS b : std_logic_vector(8 DOWNTO 1) IS ports(18 DOWNTO 11); ALIAS cin : std_logic IS ports(10); ALIAS sum : std_logic_vector(8 DOWNTO 1) IS ports(9 DOWNTO 2); ALIAS cout : std_logic IS ports(1); BEGIN -- instantiate the component uut: addern GENERIC MAP(8) PORT MAP(a => a, b => b, cin => cin, sum => sum, cout => cout); -- provide stimulus and check the result test: PROCESS FILE vector_file : text IS IN "vectors"; VARIABLE l : line; VARIABLE vector_time : time; VARIABLE r : real; VARIABLE good_number : boolean; VARIABLE signo : integer; BEGIN WHILE NOT endfile(vector_file) LOOP readline(vector_file, l); -- read the time from the beginning of the line -- skip the line if it doesn't start with a number read(l, r, good => good_number); NEXT WHEN NOT good_number; vector_time := r * 1 ns; -- convert real number to time IF (now < vector_time) THEN -- wait until the vector time WAIT FOR vector_time - now; END IF; signo := 26; FOR i IN l'RANGE LOOP CASE l(i) IS WHEN '0' => -- Drive 0 ports(signo) <= '0'; WHEN '1' => -- Drive 1 ports(signo) <= '1'; WHEN 'h' | 'H' => -- Test for 1 ASSERT ports(signo) = '1'; WHEN 'l' | 'L' => -- Test for 0 ASSERT ports(signo) = '0'; WHEN 'x' | 'X' => -- Don't care NULL; WHEN ' ' | ht => -- Skip white space NEXT; WHEN OTHERS => -- Illegal character ASSERT false REPORT "Illegal character in vector file: " & l(i); EXIT; END CASE; signo := signo - 1; END LOOP; END LOOP; ASSERT false REPORT "Test complete"; WAIT; END PROCESS; END;