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从某人那里弄到一块很老的板子,SpartanII XC2S100的,想试试能不能用MicroBlaze,于是装了ISE8.2和EDK8.2。用向导建立工程,选择自定义电路板,然后一步一步往下,修改UCF文件和那个download文件,然后genertate netlist的时候报错:错误太长了,总之就是我没有改动任何东西,除了上述两个文件以外,但是就是不能generatenetlist。

At Local date and time: Tue Jan 01 22:51:51 2008
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/Study/fpga_cpld/works/edk/1/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make netlist; exit;" started...
Creating system netlist for hardware specification..

platgen -p xc2s100pq208-6 -lang vhdl system.mhs

Release Xilinx EDK 8.2 - platgen EDK_Im.14
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.

Command Line: platgen -p xc2s100pq208-6 -lang vhdl system.mhs

Parse system.mhs ...

Read MPD definitions ...

Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...

Sourcing tcl file

Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...

Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to spartan2
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to spartan2
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to spartan2
opb_gpio (leds) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to spartan2

Performing IP level DRCs on properties...

Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...

Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...

Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x00001fff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x00001fff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) LEDS mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb

Check platform address map ...

Overriding system level properties ...

opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_num_masters value 4 to 2
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 40 - tool overriding c_num_slaves value 4 to 2
lmb_v10 (ilmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
lmb_v10 (dlmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 38 - tool overriding c_memsize value 2048 to 0x2000

Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION SYSLEVEL_DRC_PROC...

Performing System level DRCs on properties...

Check platform configuration ...
WARNING:MDT - microblaze (microblaze_0) -
D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 24 - deprecated core!
WARNING:MDT - lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 83 - deprecated core!
WARNING:MDT - lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 92 - deprecated core!
ERROR:MDT - lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 92 - Memory of data width
32-bit and memory size 8-kBytes does not fit in a fixed size.
Only the following memory configurations are supported:
| Memory (kBytes) | Memory (kBytes)
Architecture | 32-bit data | 64-bit data
| byte-write | byte-write
Spartan-II | 2 4 | 4
Spartan-IIE | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
Spartan-3 | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Spartan-3E | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
QPro Virtex | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
QPro VirtexE | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
QPro Virtex-II | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
QPro-R Virtex | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
QPro-R Virtex-II | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Virtex | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
VirtexE | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
Virtex-II | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Virtex-II PRO | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Virtex-4 | 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 | 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
Virtex-5 | 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 | 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
ERROR:MDT - lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 83 - Memory of data width
32-bit and memory size 8-kBytes does not fit in a fixed size.
Only the following memory configurations are supported:
| Memory (kBytes) | Memory (kBytes)
Architecture | 32-bit data | 64-bit data
| byte-write | byte-write
Spartan-II | 2 4 | 4
Spartan-IIE | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
Spartan-3 | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Spartan-3E | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
QPro Virtex | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
QPro VirtexE | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
ro Virtex-II | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
QPro-R Virtex | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
QPro-R Virtex-II | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Virtex | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
VirtexE | 2 4 8 16 | 4 8 16 32
Virtex-II | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Virtex-II PRO | 8 16 32 64 | 16 32 64 128
Virtex-4 | 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 | 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
Virtex-5 | 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 | 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
opb_v20 (mb_opb) - D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 42 - 2
master(s) : 2 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (ilmb) - D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 67 - 1 master(s)
: 1 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (dlmb) - D:\Study\fpga_cpld\works\edk\1\system.mhs line 75 - 1 master(s)
: 1 slave(s)

ERROR:MDT - platgen failed with errors!

make: *** [implementation/microblaze_0_wrapper.ngc] Error 2



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-1 23:23:01编辑过]

搞清楚了,只是因为SPARTAN II 只支持4k 8k 的 存储器大小。在mhs文件里或者system Assembly View中将地址改小至4K就行了,但是……接下来发现其他的错误了,请看下一个帖子“xilinx 8.2i 版本问题”

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-2 16:18:50编辑过]
