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[求助]ARM MultiICE和ARM MultiTrace(DragonBall 系列中的ARM核

[求助]ARM MultiICE和ARM MultiTrace(DragonBall 系列中的ARM核

ARM MultiICE is the embeddedICE logic debug solution from ARM.It enables you to debug software running on ARM processor cores that include the EmbeddedICE logic.

ARM MultiTrace unit works in conjunction with the ARM Multi-ICE to provide RealTrace functionality for software running in leading edge System-on-chip(SOC)devices with deeply embedded processor cores。

不好意思,没用过这两个东西,只查到了些资料看。在DragonBall中,用的是ARM的核,有JTAG口,这个JTAG口是不是可以扩展为MultiICE来调试ARM?那MultiTrace又是怎么来得?不知道ARM MultiICE和ARM MultiTrace这两个是调试ARM什么的?他们有什么区别?ARM MultiICE是不是只能debug 软件?而ARM MultiTrace必须和ARM MultiICE一起使用,是不是追踪或捕捉什么信号或者数据的?

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-26 13:28:57编辑过]

You can connect MultiICE to JTAG port of i.MX processor for software debugging.
Thank you very much!
I find that material as regards MultiICE and MultiTrace can be found in www.arm.com.if somebody have interest in it ,you can go to www.arm.com to search.