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powerpcb 中FANOUT 功能如何用,请教诸位大虾![讨论]

BGA fanout in BlazeRouter.PLS tell me your mail address,I will send a tutorial of  media to you.
thanks a lot !
and btw  do you know whether protel has the same function?
I've already sent.Protel has not fanout.
thanks again!
btw,i've preview the media file.but i  find it's different in  the option of via biasing(BlazeRouter) with my version.there is no BGAVIA options in my version!(pls see the attached photo in the left)
BGA Route Wizard in PowerBGA(LPBGA 071SP and LPBGA 640SP)
I think of your version had not BGA Route Wizard.

[此贴子已经被一通百通于2004-7-29 21:05:08编辑过]

but i don't think that's the problem ,you can see my captured picture of my Ver.it should be the same in the demo media!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-30 10:27:45编辑过]

Sorry for my carelessness,i've found that the via type is a user-defined option,i 've defined it myself and it's ok! Still thanks to you for your kindly help!

powerpcb 中FANOUT 功能如何用,请教诸位大虾![讨论]

现有一PCB 中的BGA元件需要做fanout,但是查了help后仍觉得没说清楚!所以只能请教诸位大虾,望不吝赐教!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-28 15:23:37编辑过]

dear miss/mister"cpqz163@163.com",will you send me a copy of that to me?I need it too,(about fanout),thanks!!