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     当孩子结点离开了网络,且允许其双亲结点回收其网络地址,那么该双亲结点又是怎样去记录该回收的网络地址的呢?按照zigbee specification中所述的地址分配方式,只有一个变量记录下一个该分配的是什么网络地址,如果杂乱的网络地址回收的话,难道需要另外开辟一个数组空间去缓存吗?

在zigbee协议中,coordinator 和 router会分配给下面的devices地址,根据cskip的值来决定每个router下面最多可以挂多少个devices,有多少个地址可供分配。如果网络的device离开这个网络的话,在zigbee协议中,好像还没有定义是否要回收这个地址。因为这个device可能还要回到这个网络中来。
zigbee有说了,只是没有说怎么回收,唉,看这个看好几天了,现在似乎有点理清头绪,那图也不清晰,freescale提供的F8Wireless z-stack要制造这种leave网络的现象是否需要我自己写相应的应用呀?有没有已提供专门的例程?
If the device receiving the leave command frame is the parent of the leaving device then it shall check the value of the remove children sub-field of the command options field in the command frame payload. If this sub-field has a value of 1 then the parent may be able to reuse the 16-bit network address previously in use by the leaving device. If the remove children sub-field has a value of 0 then the parent shall not reuse the 16-bit network address of the leaving device. In either case, it shall set the relationship field of its neighbor table entry corresponding to the leaving device to 0x03 indicating no relationship.