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在debug时,找不到源文件,提示P&E ICD_Postload.cmd line3 即Findproc main有错误,找不到main ,不知道有人遇到相同的问题吗,是哪里设置错了。
宁静致远 淡泊明志 --------------By AC
海纳百川  有容乃大
YOu are using the CW Special Edition, and the SMAC code has a "SE" version which uses the SMAC code in library frm with no debug information. You should however be able to debug the example applications, eg RangeDemo and WireLessUART.
If you still see no code in the source window, check in the Project Settings dialog that the project is built to include debug information. Another way to check is to chck to see if there is a dot in the Debug column in the Project Explorer pane - the column has a little bug (insect) icon at the top. You can toggle on and off debug information that way.

en got it.
宁静致远 淡泊明志 --------------By AC