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void CAN1_Init(void)
CAN0CTL1 = 128; /* Set the control register */
CAN0CTL0 = 1; /* Set the control register */
CAN0IDAC_IDAM = 0; /* Set the acceptance mode */
CAN0IDAR0 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR0 */
CAN0IDAR1 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR1 */
CAN0IDAR2 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR2 */
CAN0IDAR3 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR3 */
CAN0IDAR4 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR4 */
CAN0IDAR5 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR5 */
CAN0IDAR6 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR6 */
CAN0IDAR7 = 0; /* Set the acceptance code, register CAN0IDAR7 */
CAN0IDMR0 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR0 */
CAN0IDMR1 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR1 */
CAN0IDMR2 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR2 */
CAN0IDMR3 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR3 */
CAN0IDMR4 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR4 */
CAN0IDMR5 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR5 */
CAN0IDMR6 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR6 */
CAN0IDMR7 = 255; /* Set the acceptance mask, register CAN0IDMR7 */
/* CAN0BTR0: SJW1=0,SJW0=1,BRP5=0,BRP4=0,BRP3=0,BRP2=1,BRP1=0,BRP0=1 */
CAN0BTR0 = 69; /* Set the device timing register */
/* CAN0BTR1: SAMP=0,TSEG22=0,TSEG21=1,TSEG20=1,TSEG13=0,TSEG12=1,TSEG11=1,TSEG10=1 */
CAN0BTR1 = 55; /* Set the device timing register */
CAN0CTL1_CLKSRC = 0; /* Select the clock source from crystal */
CAN0CTL0_INITRQ = 0; /* Start device */
while(CAN0CTL1_INITAK) {} /* Wait for enable */
CAN0RFLG |= 254; /* Reset error flags */
CAN0RIER = 125; /* Enable interrupts */
海纳百川  有容乃大
安装了CW12 4.5之后就可以用PE了,安装目录下也有相应的帮助和说明文件。实际上PE是图形化的界面,很容易使用。试一下就知道了。
海纳百川  有容乃大