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In reply to your Service Request SR 1-348199940:

Please understand that freescale does not support the OpenTCP stack other then to assist in the released software demos. Viola has recently decided to charge for this "open source" software. We are currently negocating to provide it free but these legal things take time. I must advise you to pursue a third party stack. I have used the CMX stack and found it to be very nice and well supported. I would also suggest looking at the NE64 demo on www.techonline.com there is a newer version of the stack that was released before these legal issues. I am sorry to not be able to assist directly but please understand the legal issues prevent this.

A second source of information might be obtained via the freescale forums. Perhaps another user has solved this issue.

Thank you for your interest in Freescale Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.

Should you need to contact us with regard to this message, please see the notes below.

Best Regards,
Technical Support
Freescale Semiconductor
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有没Code Warrior 的资料啊?
海纳百川  有容乃大