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void main(void)


return ERR_OK;


byte CAN1_ReadFrame(dword *MessageID,byte *FrameType,byte *FrameFormat,byte *Length,byte *Data)
byte i; /* Temporary variable */
dword ID; /* Temporary variable */

ID = *(dword *)&CAN1RXIDR0; /* Read the identification of the received message */
if ((CAN1RXIDR1 & 8)) { /* Is the received message "extended frame" */
ID = ( ((ID >> 1) & 0x0003FFFF) | ((ID >> 3) & 0xFFFC0000) ); /* Result the identification */
*FrameType = (CAN1RXIDR3 & 1)? REMOTE_FRAME : DATA_FRAME; /* Result the frame type */
} else { /* Message is "standard frame" */
ID >>= 21; /* Result the identification */
*FrameType = (CAN1RXIDR1 & 16)? REMOTE_FRAME : DATA_FRAME; /* Result the frame type */
*MessageID = ID; /* Result the identification */
*FrameFormat = (CAN1RXIDR1 & 8)? EXTENDED_FORMAT : STANDARD_FORMAT; /* Result the frame type */
*Length = CAN1RXDLR & 15; /* Result length of the message */
if (*FrameType == DATA_FRAME) { /* Is frame "data frame" */
for(i=0; i<*Length; i++)
Data = *((byte *)&CAN1RXDSR0 + i); /* Return received data */
return ERR_OK; /* OK */


byte CAN1_SendFrame(byte BufferNum,dword MessageID,byte FrameType,byte Length,byte *Data)
byte i; /* Temorary variables */
byte bufmask=((word)1 << BufferNum); /* Buffer mask */

if ( (BufferNum > 2) || (Length > 8) ) /* Is BufferNum greater than 2 or Length greater than 8?*/
return ERR_VALUE; /* If yes then error */
if (FrameType > REMOTE_FRAME) /* Is FrameType other than REMOTE_FRAME or DATA_FRAME */
return ERR_VALUE; /* If yes then error */
if (!(CAN1TFLG & bufmask)) /* Is the transmit buffer full? */
return ERR_TXFULL; /* If yes then error */
CAN1TBSEL = bufmask; /* Find any empty transmit buffer */
if (MessageID <= EXTENDED_FRAME_ID) /* Is it the standard frame? */
*(dword *)&CAN1TXIDR0 = (MessageID << 21); /* Sets the message as "standard" */
*(dword *)&CAN1TXIDR0 = ( ((MessageID << 1) & 0x0007FFFF) | ((MessageID << 3) & 0xFFE00000) ) | 0x00080000; /* Set the message as "extended" */
if (FrameType == DATA_FRAME) { /* Is it a data frame? */
for(i=0; i *((byte *)&CAN1TXDSR0 + i) = Data; /* Store data to the transmit register */
if (MessageID <= EXTENDED_FRAME_ID) /* Is it the standard frame? */
CAN1TXIDR1 &= 239; /* If yes then set the standard message type as "data frame" */
CAN1TXIDR3 &= 254; /* If no then set the extended message type as "data frame" */
else { /* Remote frame */
if (MessageID <= EXTENDED_FRAME_ID) /* Is it the standard frame? */
CAN1TXIDR1 |= 16; /* If yes then set the standard message type as "remote frame" */
CAN1TXIDR3 |= 1; /* If yes then set the extended message type as "remote frame" */
CAN1TXDLR = Length; /* Set the length of the message */
CAN1TXTBPR = 0; /* Set the priority (high) */
CAN1TFLG = bufmask; /* Start transmission */
return ERR_OK; /* OK */

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-26 8:56:38编辑过]

海纳百川  有容乃大

海纳百川  有容乃大