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debug error,pls give some advice.thanks

debug error,pls give some advice.thanks

Link Error : L1822: Symbol SetRectOnOff in file C:\wrk\Gaia\Gaia_incl_UML\_C32_L45J\GAIA_C32_UML_Data\Banked_Flash\ObjectCode\RS232TasksEvery10Millis.c.o
is undefined
There is a not defined symbol on your file. Please just find and check this symbol.
海纳百川  有容乃大
I solve this problem.It is caused by PC system language setting.
Another question pls.When I open a .mcp project,there are so many remarks as below:
Duplicate file "SecondaryDefConfig.c" removed from group "codeesignefaults".
It's weird. Could you upload your project?
海纳百川  有容乃大
Sorry,this project is a company confidential file.Ican only introduce to you some aspects.For example,it is for UML project and there are so many folders in this project and there are so many .h files.
When I open this project,there will be a "Rescue folder" like below:
Do you have professional license of CodeWarrior? If not, the quantity of files in a single project is limited.
海纳百川  有容乃大
Yes.We have buy the licence.
Do you put all the files on the same directory of the project? Please try to move these files to different folders and see what happens.
海纳百川  有容乃大