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偶的开发环境为quartus7.2+niosII IDE7.2。在使用flash programmer时发现,应用程序下载的目标选项中是无法选择的,其默认是下载到cfi flash上(通过下载时的信息中能确认是向cfi flash的地址下载的,而同样是在flash programmer 中,配置文件sof下载的目标中却可以选择cfi flash 或epcs16),请问各位有大牛什么办法让应用程序下载到epcs16中啊???如果用命令行模式的话是什么命令啊???
另外,看到斑竹caopengly提过不管是往cfi flash还是epcs16下载应用程序时,都要定制target board,可是在7.2环境中已经没有这个选项了,请问还有什么方法定制target board啊??在用flash programmer往epcs16中下sof文件时没有定制target board也成功了啊。。。
(问题背景:我的am29lv800遇到了no cfi table found at...的问题一直解决不了,甚至也参照斑竹大人的博客自己写了一个cfi table,可问题依旧。而epcs16是好用的,至少在flash programmer 中下载sof文件是成功的,所以epcs16是我下载应用程序的唯一希望了。。。。)

no cfi table found at...这个问题就是楼主没有建targetboard,楼主可以看看ug_nios2_flash_programmer.pdf中有详细的说明。


就是在定制targetboard时在epcs中建立镜像地址,在flash programmer时选择这个地址就可以下到epcs中了,这个我以前做个实验的。

“可是在7.2环境中已经没有这个选项了,请问还有什么方法定制target board啊??在用flash programmer往epcs16中下sof文件时没有定制target board也成功了啊?”

flash programmer在下程序之前会下sof到fpga配置芯片,这个不需要定制targetboard,因为直接存到epcs的首地址,但是要下用户程序到epcs的话,自己建的镜像是有off set的这样才会和pof不冲突啊。不然nios怎么知道用户的程序下到哪里呢?

这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的中电网博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm
ug_nios2_flash_programmer.pdf偶已经看过了,忽然意识到斑竹所说的定制target board其实就是niosIDE中的flash programmer的配置选项吧。。。
接着讲,1.在配置页的第一项“program software project in to flash memory”中是无法选择下载到cfi flash中还是epcs16中的,从我实验的信息来看,software project即应用程序是默认下到flash上的。因为我同时下载应用程序和配置文件sof时,控制信息表示sof文件成功下到了epcs16中(断电后再加电,已经无需再从JTAG下载配置文件sof了,且可以在sdram中debug证明了epcs中写入了sof文件),但应用程序是下往cfiflash的,并报错no cfi table found at..
2.“flash programmer在下程序之前会下sof到fpga配置芯片,这个不需要定制targetboard,因为直接存到epcs的首地址,但是要下用户程序到epcs的话,自己建的镜像是有off set的这样才会和pof不冲突啊。”
在配置页的第二项中有这么几个配置项:sof文件的目录,hardware image的种类(custom),存储目标(epcs16 或cfi flash),偏置offset。我认为这几个配置项(包括偏置)针对的都是sof文件而言的,而不是对用户的应用程序而言的
3.对与no cfi table found at...的问题在ug_nios2_flash_programmer.pdf中唯一有用的就是写override file了,这与定制target board没有任何关系吧



3.no cfi table是指flash才需要的epcs不需要的table,要解决这个问题就是建立targetboard,cfitable就是flash的头文件,建立targetboard就是高速fpga如何下载程序到flash中。

这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的中电网博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm

呵呵,我看了新的pdf,现在的确不用建立targetboard了,使用新的new configure 来设置image。

Before writing flash, you must open a flash configuration. Decide
whether you can use a pre-existing flash programmer configuration, or
you need to create a new flash programmer configuration. If you have
previously programmed the project to flash, and you selected special
options, you might wish to reuse the flash configuration.
If you are creating a new flash programmer configuration, complete the
following steps:
1. Select Flash Programmer at the left side of the dialog box.
2. Click the New launch configuration button in the upper left corner
of the flash programmer window, as shown in Figure 2–3. The
Nios II IDE creates a new flash programming configuration.
Altera Corporation 2–3
May 2008 Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide
Using the Flash Programmer in IDE Mode
Figure 2–3. Creating a New Flash Programmer Configuration
If you are reusing an existing flash configuration, and the Quartus?II
project has been recompiled since the flash configuration’s creation,
complete the following step:
v Click Load JDI File. Loading the JDI file ensures that the Additional
nios2-flash-programmer Arguments box contains the correct
instance ID. For additional information about the instance ID, see
Table 3–2 on page 3–2.
To write flash using a flash configuration, carry out the following steps:
1. If you wish to program flash with software from your Nios II IDE
project or a read-only zip file system associated with your Nios II
IDE project, check the box titled Program software project into
flash memory.
2. If you wish to pass any additional arguments to the flash
programmer, enter them in the field titled Additional nios2-flashprogrammer
3. If you wish to program flash with FPGA configuration data, check
the box titled Program FPGA configuration data into hardwareimage
region of flash memory.
a. In the FPGA Configuration (SOF) field, type or browse to the
SRAM object file (.sof) you wish to program.
2–4 Altera Corporation
Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide May 2008
The Flash Programmer Dialog Box
b. In the Hardware Image field, select the preset location at which
you wish to program the SRAM object file, or select Custom. If
you select Custom, you must also specify a memory name, and
an offset (in bytes) within that memory.
4. If you wish to program flash with an arbitrary binary file, check the
box titled Program a file into flash memory.
You must specify a file to program, a flash memory name, and an
1 If you wish to configure an FPGA from parallel flash using
active-parallel (AP) configuration mode, you cannot use the
Flash Programmer in IDE mode to program the
configuration data into parallel flash. You must use
command-line mode. For details, see “sof2flash” in
Chapter 3, Using the Flash Programmer in Command-Line
Mode of this document.
The Nios II EDS also provides the Altera Zip Read-Only File System
software component, which is an easy-to-use tool for storing and
accessing data in flash memory. Depending on your application, you
might find it more convenient to use the Zip Read-Only File System,
rather than storing raw binary data in flash memory.
f For details, see the Zip Read-Only File System topic in the Nios II IDE
help system.
5. Click Program Flash. The IDE performs the sequence of operations
required to program all the specified files into flash memory.
f Refer to the Nios II IDE help system for an explanation of controls in the
Flash Programmer dialog box.
If your target design has a System ID component, the IDE verifies that a
system with the expected system ID value is running on the FPGA before
attempting to program flash memory. If the expected system is not
running, the flash programmer does not continue to program the flash
memory. The IDE skips this check if there is no System ID component in
the target system.
1 Regardless of the system ID, you cannot program flash memory
if the hardware

这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的中电网博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm
那pdf上的所提的在flash programmer IDE下的new configure根本就没有用,如果在7.2版本下真的不需要定制目标板的话,那只需要在那pdf上的所提的在flash programmer IDE下的new configure设置以下就可以将程序下到cfi flash上了吧???
然而事实上,正如我先前所提到的,应用程序的下载目标是无法设置的,其默认往epcs16中下。斑竹引用的部分只是对flash programmer的一个傻瓜式教学,配合其原有的截图,估计没人看不懂吧◎_◎
如果不需要了,那就是说在flash programmer IDE下的new configure设置以下就可以了,但是据我所试的,对于自己在sopc builder中custom的flash,是不能用flash programmer将程序下到cfi flash上的,大家不妨也可以试试。。。。
如果仍需要定制目标板,请问在7.0以后的版本中还有什么方法来定制目标板啊???在6.0版本之前,可以在niosII的命令行中用mk_target_board命令来生成目标板,并可以在sopc builder中选择该目标板。但是mk_target_board命令在7.0版本后已经不被识别了。。。。
我想应该有很多人都是在7.0以后的版本工作的吧,那大家都是如何把程序烧进flash的呢???正是因为我的flash为am29lv800出现了no cfi table found at..的问题无法解决,才打算把程序下到epcs16的,然而现在flash programmer又默认只把程序下到cfi flash中。。。我真是欲哭无泪了




[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-10 12:43:39编辑过]

这个版主不太冷 =========================== 我的中电网博客:http://blog.chinaecnet.com/u/20/index.htm
在sopc builder里可以定制目标板。file-》new target board,你可以上网搜寻:)
长沙博为自动化设备有限公司 三菱、欧姆龙、西门子、松下等品牌PLC编程电缆 了解更多:=http://csbowei.zke360.com= QQ:535710450 宋先生 0731-2894960
长沙博为自动化设备有限公司 三菱、欧姆龙、西门子、松下等品牌PLC编程电缆 了解更多:=http://csbowei.zke360.com= QQ:535710450 宋先生 0731-2894960

顶一个,我也遇到这个问题The SOPC Builder system does not have any flash memory.怎么办啊?
