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这个编译指令抑制入口代码的产生,有益于内嵌汇编函数。This pragma suppresses the generation of entry code and is useful for inline assembler functions. 入口代码准备后来的C代码完全运行The entry code prepares subsequent C code to run properly.它通常由堆栈上的(假如需要)的推入寄存器程序与主程序之间的)数值构成。 It usually consists of pushing register arguments on the stack (if necessary), 并分配被本地变量,零时和堆栈空间and allocating the stack space used for local variables and temporaries and storing callee saved registers according to the calling convention.


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-15 10:18:24编辑过]
