那能否用一段flash来模拟eeprom呢?在其数据手册中flash这一章有这么一段话:The FPROT register, described in Section, “Flash Protection Register (FPROT)”, can be set to globally protect a Flash block. However, three separate memory regions, one growing upward from the ?rst address in the next-to-last page in the Flash block (called the lower region), one growing downward from the last address in the last page in the Flash block (called the higher region), and the remaining addresses in the Flash block, can be activated for protection. The Flash locations of these protectable regions are shown in Table 2-2. The higher address region is mainly targeted to hold the boot loader code because it covers the vector space.The lower address region can be used for EEPROM emulation in an MCU without an EEPROM module because it can remain unprotected while the remaining addresses are protected from program or erase。最后一句话的意思应该是可以那样做啊。